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Results 61 - 80 of 1142.
Health - Life Sciences - 10.12.2015
New clues to halting nerve degeneration
A discovery into the mechanisms which lead to degeneration and loss of communication among neuron cells - the cells controlling function in the brain and nervous system - could potentially lead to future therapies for neurodegenerative diseases including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. Scientists at The University of Nottingham have discovered that a small molecule called nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) causes a chain reaction of destruction within the neuron cell processes, called axons.
Health - 10.12.2015

The study was set up to test ways of narrowing the gap in uptake between rich and poor. The results highlight just how wide this gap currently is, and also provide the first published national figures on bowel screening uptake since the scheme was fully rolled out in 2010. Four randomised controlled trials were conducted across the whole of England to see if uptake could be increased, particularly among the most disadvantaged members of society, by making cheap, simple and easy-to-implement changes to the screening invitation letters and information materials.
Health - Chemistry - 10.12.2015
Alzheimer’s study probes chemistry of the brain
State-of-the-art simulations will investigate the cause and potential prevention of plaque build-up in the brain Experts at the University are using state-of-the-art computer simulations to study the fundamental chemistry underpinning the development of Alzheimer's disease. Dr Jamie Platts, from the School of Chemistry , has been awarded a major research grant to investigate the build-up of 'sticky' plaques in the brain, which are believed to contribute to the degradation of nerve cells in the brain and the subsequent symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.
Physics - Mathematics - 10.12.2015

A mathematical problem underlying fundamental questions in particle physics and quantum physics is provably unsolvable, according to scientists at UCL, Universidad Complutense de Madrid - ICMAT and Technische Universität München. The findings show that even a perfect and complete description of the microscopic properties of a material is not enough to predict its macroscopic behaviour.
Health - 10.12.2015
Blood test that could predict arthritis risk
Scientists have found a marker that can indicate your likelihood of suffering from rheumatoid arthritis (RA) even sixteen years before the condition takes effect. A team from the Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology at Oxford University found that a blood test that looks for antibodies that recognize the protein tenascin-C could reliably show those who will contract the condition.
Life Sciences - 10.12.2015

Scientists at the University of Liverpool have carried out the first ever genome-wide survey of heritable molecular changes that regulate gene activity in wheat, in what could become a new tool to improve crop breeding technologies. Epigenetic marks are chemical tags which physically attach themselves to DNA, and modify its function without changing the genetic code.
Social Sciences - 10.12.2015
Unhappy families: Nine out ten adults estranged from family find Christmas difficult
A new report looking at the experiences of people who are estranged from family members and the challenges they face has highlighted the particular difficulties associated with Christmas. Social media plays a part because it's a highlight reel of people's family lives, with Facebook feeds filled with pictures of families celebrating together Lucy Blake Hidden Voices - Family Estrangement in Adulthood , a collaboration between the charity Stand Alone and the Centre for Family Research at the University of Cambridge, is the first in depth piece of UK research on family estrangement.
Physics - Life Sciences - 09.12.2015
New understanding of how shape and form develop in nature
Researchers have identified a new mechanism that drives the development of form and structure, through the observation of artificial materials that shape-shift through a wide variety of forms which are as complex as those seen in nature.
Life Sciences - Health - 09.12.2015
Behavioural problems in youths are associated with differences in the brain
Young people with behavioural problems, such as antisocial and aggressive behaviour, show reduced grey matter volume in a number of areas of the brain, according to a new study published in JAMA Psychiatry . The researchers from the University of Birmingham found that, compared to typically developing youths, those with behavioural problems show grey matter reductions specifically within the amygdala, the insula, and the prefrontal cortex.
Physics - 09.12.2015

A new test for detecting multiple explosives simultaneously has been developed by UCL scientists. The proof-of-concept sensor is designed to quickly identify and quantify five commonly used explosives in solution to help track toxic contamination in waste water and improve the safety of public spaces.
Physics - Administration - 09.12.2015
Researchers on track for ’racetrack memory’ breakthrough
New research from the Universities of Glasgow and Leeds could be an important step towards creating faster, higher-capacity, lower-power data storage. In a new paper published in the journal Nature , researchers discuss their work examining an important property of a developing form of data storage known as 'racetrack memory'.
Life Sciences - 09.12.2015

Concentrating attention on a visual task can render you momentarily 'deaf' to sounds at normal levels, reports a new UCL study funded by the Wellcome Trust. The study, published in the Journal of Neuroscience, suggests that the senses of hearing and vision share a limited neural resource. Brain scans from 13 volunteers found that when they were engaged in a demanding visual task, the brain response to sound was significantly reduced.
Astronomy / Space - Physics - 08.12.2015

After studying why the universe did not collapse during its birth, researchers are closer to finding a missing piece in the Standard Model of physics. Since the discovery of the Higgs particle - responsible for giving mass to all particles - at CERN in 2012, studies of its properties have thrown up a lot of questions.
Health - 08.12.2015
Happiness and unhappiness have no direct effect on mortality
A study of a million UK women, published today in The Lancet , has shown that happiness itself has no direct effect on mortality, and that the widespread but mistaken belief that unhappiness and stress directly cause ill health came from studies that had simply confused cause and effect. Life-threatening poor health can cause unhappiness, and for this reason unhappiness is associated with increased mortality.
Physics - Health - 08.12.2015

Older people would be willing to increase their bone strength in later life by doing exercises including jumping and hopping, new research from Bristol University has found. The study, funded by the Medical Research Council award to Professor Jon Tobias in the Musculoskeletal Research Unit, found that if older people overcome the barriers to undertaking the exercises, they would be willing to undertake the type of exercises that are likely to increase their bone density and strength, which in turn could reduce their risk of falls or bone fractures.
Health - 08.12.2015
Human trials suggest ’rescued’ drug could be safer treatment for bipolar disorder
A drug destined for the scrap heap has been rescued by Oxford scientists, who may have found it a new role in treating bipolar disorder. A team from Oxford University, led by Dr Grant Churchill and Dr Sridhar Vasudevan of the Department of Pharmacology, in collaboration with Professor Phil Cowen of the Department of Psychiatry, used a database of 'failed' drugs, found to be safe but ineffective for their proposed use, to identify ebselen as a possible alternative to lithium, the main treatment for people who are bipolar.
Health - Life Sciences - 08.12.2015
University contributing to new advances in cancer diagnosis
A University of Warwick computer scientist is working with technology that could revolutionise how some cancers are diagnosed. A high-tech computer system is able to read samples of human tissue and aid pathologists in the identification of minute changes in cells that can indicate cancer is present.
Life Sciences - Physics - 08.12.2015
Sperm crane their neck to turn right
Researchers find two distinct motions in sperm Unless they crane their necks all sperm would only turn left University of Warwick researchers say this could mean two distinct sperm subpopulations Discovery could improve IVF and fertility treatments. Spermatozoa need to crane their necks to turn right to counteract a left-turning drive caused by the rotation of their tails, new research has found.
Life Sciences - Health - 07.12.2015
Vitamin D could repair nerve damage in multiple sclerosis, study suggests
A protein activated by vitamin D could be involved in repairing damage to myelin in people with multiple sclerosis (MS), according to new research from the University of Cambridge. The study, published today in the Journal of Cell Biology, offers significant evidence that vitamin D could be a possible treatment for MS in the future.
Social Sciences - Health - 07.12.2015
Antibiotic prescribing and patient satisfaction
Reduced antibiotic prescribing is associated with lower patient satisfaction on the national General Practice Patient Survey, according to a new study by King's College London. The study found a 25 per cent lower rate of antibiotic prescribing by a GP practice corresponded to a 5-6 point reduction on GP satisfaction rankings.