news 2015
Artificial intelligence improves fine wine price prediction
Robot Scientist ‘Eve’ could boost search for new drugs
Computer Science
Results 1 - 17 of 17.
Computer Science - Physics - 18.12.2015
WiFi signals can be exploited to detect attackers
Physical attacks on devices connected to the Internet can be detected by analysing WiFi signals, computer scientists have discovered. Wireless devices are increasingly used for critical roles, such as security systems or industrial plant automation. Although wireless transmissions can be encrypted to protect transmitted data, it is hard to determine if a device - such as a wirelessly connected security camera protecting critical buildings in airports or power stations - has been tampered with.
Media - Computer Science - 11.12.2015
How to feed and raise a Wikipedia robo-editor
Dr Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh from QMUL's School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science looks at what it takes to teach an AI how to read natural human languages. Wikipedia is to put artificial intelligence to the enormous task of keeping the free, editable online encyclopedia up-to-date, spam-free and legal.
Physics - Computer Science - 24.11.2015
New research offers quantum leap for long-distance secure communications
A new tele technique which harnesses quantum technology could lead to a much more secure form of worldwide internet , scientists have reported. In a new paper published today (Tuesday 24 November) in the journal Nature , researchers from the Universities of Glasgow, Stanford, Tokyo and Würzburg describe how they have implemented a novel tool for a long-distance telecommunication link which is impossible for hackers to breach.
Computer Science - 29.10.2015
How we use our smartphones twice as much as we think
People use their smartphones for an average of five hours a day - about a third of the time they are awake - and check them about 85 times a day, research suggests. The study in the journal PLOS ONE compared the amount of time participants estimated they spent on their smartphones with their actual usage.
Computer Science - Mathematics - 19.10.2015
Academics present new breakthroughs for fundamental problems in computer science
Academics from the University of Bristol will present new breakthroughs on two fundamental problems in Computer Science. These results will be presented at the world's leading international conference in computer science this week. The 56th annual IEEE symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 2015) will take place in California from 18-20 October.
Computer Science - 01.10.2015
Communication becomes elementary with digital SHERLOCK
Computer scientists create novel digital assistant to help people communicate more effectively with computers than ever before A new digital assistant which can be used to help people in scenarios from emergencies to festivals has been unveiled by scientists from the School of Computer Science & Informatics.
Computer Science - Electroengineering - 25.08.2015
Robot scientist on show
Children will be given the chance to meet the original robot scientist in a series of demonstrations at London's Science Museum this week. Professor Ross D. King, from the University of Manchester's School of Computer Science, will join academic colleagues to demonstrate just what ADAM, a machine who thinks and does experiments like a human scientist, is capable of.
Electroengineering - Computer Science - 12.08.2015
On the origin of (robot) species
Researchers have observed the process of evolution by natural selection at work in robots, by constructing a 'mother' robot that can design, build and test its own 'children', and then use the results to improve the performance of the next generation, without relying on computer simulation or human intervention.
Computer Science - Economics - 05.08.2015

The price fluctuation of fine wines can now be predicted more accurately using a novel artificial intelligence approach developed by researchers at UCL. The method could be used to help fine wine investors make more informed decisions about their portfolios and encourage non-wine investors to start looking at wine in this manner and hence increase the net trade of wine.
Physics - Computer Science - 24.03.2015
Number-crunching Higgs boson: meet the world’s largest distributed computer grid
In an article which originally appeared on The Conversation, Dr Tom Whyntie explains how the world's largest distributed computer grid helped find the Higgs boson and what it'll be doing as the Large Hadron Collider is started up again. The world's largest science experiment, the Large Hadron Collider, has potentially delivered one of physics' "Holy Grails" in the form of the Higgs boson.
Computer Science - Health - 20.03.2015
First blood test for osteoarthritis could soon be available
The first blood test for osteoarthritis could soon be developed, thanks to research by the University of Warwick. The research findings could potentially lead to patients being tested for osteoarthritis and diagnosed several years before the onset of physical symptoms. Conducted by the University's Medical School, the research identified a biomarker linked to both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis.
Event - Computer Science - 04.03.2015
How big data can be used to understand major events
With the most unpredictable UK general election looming in modern times, how can big data be used to understand how elections are covered by the media? New research by the University of Bristol has for the first time analysed over 130,000 online news articles to find out how the 2012 US presidential election played out in the media.
Health - Computer Science - 27.02.2015
Measuring ’MoodTraces’: new app helps monitor depression
Scientists from the University of Birmingham have developed an app that can measure the activity patterns of patients with depression and provide the necessary support. "MoodTraces" is a smartphone app designed to monitor and evaluate a person's mood and activities in real-time, allowing healthcare officers, doctors and charity workers to intervene when behaviours indicate a worsening depressive state.
Health - Computer Science - 17.02.2015
Computer algorithm picks out the drugs that work
Computer algorithms can tell apart the drugs that provide effective pain relief from ineffective placebos, a research team from Oxford University has found. More than 90% of central nervous system drugs fail when they're tried in large human trials. The team at the Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain (FMRIB) hope that combining information from many brain imaging studies with their computational methods will provide a cheaper way of filtering out drugs that are not likely to work, without the need for expensive human clinical trials.
Health - Computer Science - 04.02.2015

Eve, an artificially-intelligent 'robot scientist' could make drug discovery faster and much cheaper. A team from the Universities of Manchester, Cambridge and Aberystwyth has demonstrated the potential of artificial intelligence by using Eve to discover that a compound shown to have anti-cancer properties might also be used in the fight against malaria.
Health - Computer Science - 04.02.2015
Artificially-intelligent Robot Scientist ’Eve’ could boost search for new drugs
Eve, an artificially-intelligent 'robot scientist' could make drug discovery faster and much cheaper, say researchers writing in the Royal Society journal Interface. The team has demonstrated the success of the approach as Eve discovered that a compound shown to have anti-cancer properties might also be used in the fight against malaria.
Psychology - Computer Science - 12.01.2015
Computers using digital footprints are better judges of personality than friends and family
Researchers have found that, based on enough Facebook Likes, computers can judge your personality traits better than your friends, family and even your partner. Using a new algorithm, researchers have calculated the average number of Likes artificial intelligence (AI) needs to draw personality inferences about you as accurately as your partner or parents.