UCL Library Services builds on its Customer Service Excellence Accreditation

UCL Open publishes first article
UCL Open publishes first article

Customer Service Excellence (CSE) Accreditation is a government standard awarded by the Cabinet Office. 

To achieve Customer Service Excellence (CSE), organisations are assessed against 57 criteria in the areas of Customer Insight, the Culture of the Organisation, Information and Access, Delivery and Timeliness, and Quality of Service. The accreditation process runs in a three-year cycle which includes two annual surveillance visits to ensure that CSE is used effectively as a tool for continuous improvement.  

UCL Library Services had its second annual surveillance visit in June 2021, which involved the submission of 126 pieces of documentary evidence as well as an online meeting with the CSE Assessor. At the meeting, presentations took place on Customer Insight, Library Guides and Online Skills, and Reopening safely during the pandemic. At the end of the process, UCL Library Services was judged to have full compliance with all criteria.   

 Peter Dennison, Head of Customer Service added, "We were also delighted to have been awarded ’Compliance Plus’ for ten criteria this year, which is a significant achievement for a division of our size in UCL. ’Compliance Plus’ is awarded when an organisation has demonstrated that it has exceeded the requirements of the Standard or demonstrated exceptional practice. We would like to thank everyone who contributed to such a successful outcome."