Student training to ensure a safe campus for all

Four students sitting on a couch. A laptop is kept open on the table in front of
Four students sitting on a couch. A laptop is kept open on the table in front of them. They are looking at the laptop and are engaged in discussion.
We all can play a role in ensuring our campus is safe and respectful for all. Here is a reminder of some of the training available to ensure everyone in our community can play their part to challenge bullying, harassment and sexual violence.

Active bystander training

The Active Bystander Programme empowers students to recognise and challenge problematic behaviours, such as bullying, harassment and sexual misconduct both onand off-campus.

The programme is part of our journey towards social and cultural change and compliments other initiatives across the Students’ Union and UCL, including the sexual harassment training provided for clubs and societies by the Union. 5,500 students have taken the Active Bystander training programme since the start of the academic year in September 2024.

Launched 10 years ago, more than 50,000 students have been trained to safely intervene to stop bullying, harassment, racism and sexual misconduct - making it sector-leading as the largest programme of its kind in higher education.

We recognise that to prevent problematic behaviours, we should challenge them as a community, with each member doing their part to stop bullying, harassment and sexual violence. Become an Active Bystander, and help us make our university safer and more inclusive.

To become an Active Bystander, complete an online module and join an upcoming in-person workshop. Find out more here:  https://studentsunionucl.­org/active­-bystander­-programme
  • University College London, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT (0) 20 7679 2000