Spotlight on... Poppy Gilgunn

Poppy Gilgunn, smiling towards the camera.
Poppy Gilgunn, smiling towards the camera.
This week Poppy tells us about her role working with UCL’s team of Student Residence Advisers, providing crucial support to those living in UCL’s Halls of Residence. We find out how our students can Beat the January Blues this year... and why Poppy is a local girl at heart!

What is your role and what does it involve?

I work as a Student Support and Wellbeing Adviser (Peer-led projects) in the Events and Campaigns team within UCL Student Support and Wellbeing (SSWS). My role mostly consists of managing the day-to-day logistics of the Student Residence Advisers (SRAs). 

The SRAs are postgraduate students who live and work in UCL Accommodation. They provide essential out of hours and emergency pastoral support for their peers and work with the Reslife team to boost wellbeing and build a strong, supportive and inclusive community. We currently employ around 70 SRAs, who work in teams of 5 in each hall. I work closely with Hall Wardens, UCL Accommodation and Campus Experience teams to ensure that students are adequately supported in halls.

My role is to recruit, train, and handle general communications with and about the SRAs to ensure that they are best prepared to work as an extension of my department, and able to support and signpost their peers to available resources. This is such important work as students can be more comfortable engaging with a peer, who understands the challenges students can face while studying at university. 

As I work in the Events and Campaigns team, I am involved in the planning and delivery of student facing wellbeing campaigns and events throughout the year. On January 23 we will begin our next campaign Beat the January Blues , featuring over 20 events delivered in accommodation by the SRAs, on campus by the Events and Campaigns team and in departments/ faculties by our Student Advisers. 

How long have you been at UCL and what was your previous role?

I have been working at UCL for over 2 years. My previous role was in hospitality, I worked as a bar supervisor while completing my psychology degree - and I do not miss the double shifts!

What working achievement or initiative are you most proud of?

I am incredibly proud of the SSWS campaigns. Our most recent campaign in 2024, Your Guide to Thrive, hosted over 21 events with 353 attendees, increasing attendance rates from 31% last year to 48% this year. Additionally, 73% of attendees reported through surveys that the event had an extremely positive or very positive impact on their personal well-being.

Another highlight was our video entry for the CUBO Award for Innovation in Student Experience. I wrote and recorded the submission, showcasing our campaigns across accommodation, campus, and classrooms. We were shortlisted last year, and I am excited to apply again this year, incorporating all the excellent data and student feedback we collected about our events programme.

Tell us about a project you are working on now which is top of your to-do list

I am currently developing a RAG (Red, Amber, Green) system to classify our welfare check protocol based on the level of seriousness. This system aims to ensure that both the SRAs and the student of concern are safe and supported throughout the welfare checks. By implementing this system, we aim to provide a structured and efficient approach to welfare checks, to make sure that everyone involved receives the appropriate level of care and support.

What is your favourite album, film and novel?

Album: Clipse - Hell Hath No Fury.
Film: Hairspray (The soundtrack is also a fave).
Novel: I don’t have a favourite of all time, but my current favourite is Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver.

What is your favourite joke (pre-watershed)?

I’ve decided I don’t trust lifts/elevators. In fact, I’ve started taking steps to avoid them.

Who would be your dream dinner guests?

Louis Theroux, I LOVE his documentaries and think he would have lots of interesting stories to tell.

What advice would you give your younger self?

Feel the fear and do it anyway! I am someone who experiences anxiety, and often feel hesitant to jump at opportunities or take on challenges. Doing something new can be scary but the rewards are worth it.

What would it surprise people to know about you?

I am really good at remembering song lyrics and can still sing all’of Busted’s greatest hits off by heart.

What is your favourite place? 

Islington - I grew up there and I love my area! I appreciate the sense of community and feel lucky to have grown up with so many different cultures.
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