Our new admissions system (replacing UCLSelect) will launch this summer, and plans are in place to ensure staff across UCL are ready to use it. From user testing and town hall events to demos and training materials - there’s lots of activities planned in the coming weeks and months.
The new system is part of a programme of work to transform UCL’s Student Recruitment and Admissions services.
Sign up to attend our Town Hall
We will be hosting a Town Hall event on 20 February. Join us to find out more about the new system and hear from Bella Malins, Director of Admissions and Emily Izatt, Product Director for Connected Universities who will be talking through our plans for the coming months.Sign up to attend the Town Hall
This event will be recorded and the recording will be uploaded to our Student Recruitment & Admissions SharePoint site.
Connected Universities
The new system, Connected Universities, is a replacement of our current admissions platform, UCLSelect, which is no longer able to effectively support the needs of UCL in the changing recruitment and admissions landscape. Connected Universities will allow us to deliver improved experiences for both students and staff.The launch was rescheduled last year, to ensure we had adequate time to thoroughly test the new system and ensure its readiness. UCL’s University Management Committee (UMC) has recently approved detailed plans, and the team is re-engaging colleagues across the university.
User testing
User testing for the new system is an integral part of ensuring the platform’s success. Volunteers from across central admissions, central professional services, faculties and departments have begun to test the functionalities delivered so far, report on any issues and provide general feedback. A second phase of end-to-end testing, which will include all’of the functionality that will be in use from launch, is planned for early spring.Training
Staff across UCL who undertake admissions activities will be trained on the new system, alongside colleagues from central admissions. Online training modules will be provided with ongoing support from the programme team as well as in person training and drop-in sessions.In the meantime, video recordings of the new system can be found on our SharePoint site. Use the form on the page to give us your feedback.
If you have any questions about the Student Recruitment & Admissions transformation team, please contact the team at admissionstransformationprogramme@ucl.ac.uk.