Gordon Square Public Realm Project: New public space and cycle lane

Gordon Square with a cycling lane along the right side of the road
Gordon Square with a cycling lane along the right side of the road
UCL Estates is working with Camden Council on a public realm project on the northside of Gordon Square, directly outside of the Institute of Archaeology.

First announced and consulted on in 2022 , this project includes a new public space and a two-way cycle lane, and forms a key piece in investigations into pedestrianising Gordon Street. The addition of this new public realm space links into the Camden Council Green Corridor, which will provide walking and cycling routes from Euston Road to the Thames River.

To outline and shape this new space, fixed chairs, tables and planters will be installed. When complete, the space created will allow a communal space for socialising and relaxing. The use of plants along the perimeter of the cycle lane focuses on using design to incorporate safety, and this division will create two clearly marked zones that protect the flow of the cycle lane and keep pedestrians safe.

David Young, Senior Project Manager of Capital Projects, said, ’We are really excited about this collaborative project between UCL Estates and Camden Council. The transformation of this road into a quality place to stop, rest and reflect supports UCL’s ongoing commitment to connect with the local community and also make a positive contribution to local biodiversity.’

Moving forwards, this space will be maintained by UCL Estates. We are looking forward to the launch of the new space in spring 2024 and continuing to work with Camden Council to enhance the local area for our students, residents, and visitors.

If you have any queries, please contact David Young, Senior Project Manager of Capital Projects.
  • University College London, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT (0) 20 7679 2000