news 2014



Results 1 - 4 of 4.

Veterinary - Life Sciences - 09.12.2014
New research could help the welfare of working animals
Press release issued: 9 December 2014 With over 42 million horses and 95 per cent of the world's donkeys found in developing countries, new research could change the health and welfare of millions of working animals in some of the poorest parts of the world. The three research studies led by Dr Becky Whay , Reader in Animal Welfare and Behaviour in the School of Veterinary Sciences at the University of Bristol, aim to build greater understanding and encourage collaboration in addressing the welfare problems of the world's working equids.

Veterinary - Health - 04.11.2014
Pet owners urged to take firework precautions early
Pet owners should talk to their vets well before the fireworks season starts Research from the University of Liverpool has led to calls for pet owners to talk to their vets well before the fireworks season to avoid unnecessary distress to their animals. The study of 100,000 veterinary appointments conducted alongside the British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) and the University of Bristol shows that too few owners realise their vet can help, and those who do seek support often do so too late - leaving short-term medication as the only option.

Veterinary - 18.08.2014
How to tell what a donkey is thinking
Press release issued: 18 August 2014 Yawning, sighing and stretching are just three behaviours observed in donkeys that have been evaluated in newly published research led by academics from the University of Bristol's School of Veterinary Sciences and funded by global equine welfare charity the Brooke.

Veterinary - 29.05.2014
Cats found to eat more in the winter
The study found cats eat approximately 15% less food during summer Cats eat more during the winter and owners should give their pet more food during this time, University of Liverpool research has found. Researchers from the University's School of Veterinary Science , in collaboration with colleagues at the Royal Canin Research Centre in France, spent four years monitoring how much cats chose to eat, and found that food intake increased in colder months and decreased during the summer.