news 2014
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Physics - Media - 06.05.2014
Report reveals 13 ‘disturbing’ nuclear near-misses
Press release issued: 6 May 2014 There have been at least 13 potentially catastrophic cases of near-use of nuclear weapons worldwide since 1962, according to a new report which warns that the risk of nuclear weapons being detonated is higher than previously thought. A report by Chatham House , home of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, found that the risks associated with nuclear weapons were not only a Cold War phenomena, but still exist today.
Media - 08.04.2014
University leads call for the protection and safety of journalists across the world
The Centre for Freedom of the Media (CFOM) at the University of Sheffield yesterday led a call for the increased safety and protection of journalists across the world. The following statement was issued at the Safety of Journalists Symposium at BBC Broadcasting House in London, co-hosted by BBC Global News and CFOM in cooperation with the BBC College of Journalism.