The results of the all-staff and all-student surveys carried out as part of the initial consultation for the UCL Estates 2050 Vision are now available.
These surveys ran in May and June of 2024, and between them had almost 3,000 responses.
We asked respondents to share their experiences of using our buildings, spaces and facilities, and how they work, or don’t work. Our vision for the UCL Estates 2050 Vision is "by all’and for all", and we wanted to provide an opportunity to everyone at UCL to provide feedback of their user experience of the estate. All responses from the surveys have informed the UCL Estates 2050 Vision, a long-term visionary plan on how to improve our spaces to make sure they are fit for the future.
View the surveys via Tableau
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A short summary of survey results and the wider initial consultation can be found on Staff News.
- University College London, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT (0) 20 7679 2000