Thinking of a canine companion? Bristol Vet School’s UK Dog Project needs you!

The longitudinal study, which is being undertaken by academics in the Animal Behaviour and Welfare Group at Bristol Veterinary School, is seeking to sign up prospective dog owners, or those seeking to add another dog to their family, between now and the end of August 2020, so if you are considering a new canine companion (even if you are still undecided), Bristol Vet School’s UK Dog Project needs you!

The researchers will follow owners and their new family members over several years, from before they even get their dog and then throughout the dog’s life, to gain a deeper understanding into the special relationship between dog and owner.

The study hopes to discover what affects people’s decisions to get a dog in the first place, and how the dog owner relationship then develops over the following years.

The ultimate aim of the study is to better understand these relationships and the factors that affect them.

Dr Nicola Rooney , Lecturer and research group supervisor, said: "This is an exciting new study that promises to tell us much more about the lives of dogs and their new owners. We are extremely keen to get as many people involved as possible, so if you, or anyone you know, have any thoughts of getting a new dog, please do fill in the questionnaire."

If you are considering becoming a dog owner and are interested in taking part in this study, please go to UK Dog Project questionnaire .

By entering the survey, you are also entering a competition to win up to £100 of Amazon vouchers.