Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli, Principal and Vice Chancellor, and the University’s current Chaplain, the Reverend Dr Carolyn Kelly, said in a joint statement: "We are deeply saddened to learn of the death of the Reverend Stuart MacQuarrie, former Chaplain of the University of Glasgow, after a short illness.
"Stuart was University Chaplain from 2001 until his retirement in 2020 and was known by many in the University of Glasgow community as a genuine, compassionate and caring man whose door was always open. During his time at the University, he celebrated our successes and triumphs as well as being there and offering support in our times of need or loss. The immense value of Stuart’s support for many grieving families is difficult to sum up in a few words. The time and care he took to support members of the University and their loved ones with his own unique brand of gentle humour was well known.
"He worked in collaboration with those of all faiths and none, ensuring that the Chaplaincy was an inclusive and welcoming service for all members of the community. He was never happier than when the Chapel was full of people, and during his time at Glasgow he encouraged the use of the Chapel not just as a place of worship but as a space for everything from creative conversations with writers to music concerts and exhibitions.
"As an alumnus of the University of Glasgow Business School, Stuart also had an eye for the wedding business and never lost an opportunity to promote the University as a wedding venue. Latterly, following his retirement, Stuart maintained his links with the University in a formal capacity by taking on the role of Convenor of the General Council Business Committee - thus helping to link our alumni community with the business of the University in a meaningful way.
"He was also a keen Brompton bike enthusiast and, outside of his ministerial and pastoral care responsibilities, a passionate football and rugby fan. We will greatly miss his wonderful sense of humour and his friendship. Our deepest sympathies go to Stuart’s family and wide circle of friends."