MyAppraisal goes live today (16 January) for Technical Professionals and Professional Services staff

Screenshot showing the new MyAppraisal welcome page.
Screenshot showing the new MyAppraisal welcome page.
We’re excited to announce that MyAppraisal, UCL’s new digital appraisal tool within the Thrive platform, is now available for Technical Professionals and Professional Services staff.

Check out our new teaser video

We recently released a new video which explains how appraisals at UCL are going digital. This marks a significant step towards the delivery of UCL’s Strategic Plan 2022-27.

What to expect 

All appraisees for the Technical Professionals and Professional Services pathways will be automatically assigned an appraisal and will receive an email notification today from You will find an appraisal task ready to start under ’Your tasks’ on the welcome page.  

Access MyAppraisal via Single Sign-On or via the link sent in your notification email.  

Please note that appraisers will have no actions to complete for their appraisees until they have received a Part A submission. 

Appraisals at UCL E-learning 

To support colleagues with annual appraisals, a new appraisal skills e-learning module will be available which covers:  
  • UCL’s approach to appraisals 
  • Conducting effective appraisal conversations  
  • Setting effective objectives 

All colleagues involved in the appraisal process are encouraged to review the e-learning which will be available later today via SharePoint. 

We are also running a workshop for colleagues who are new to the appraiser role, or appraisers looking to improve their appraisal skills. To find out more and to register your interest, please complete a short online form. 

System support 

Video tutorials and FAQs are now available on the appraisals SharePoint. Further step-by-step guides will be uploaded soon.  

If you require technical support, this can be accessed by submitting a support request through MyServices. 

Professorial and Academic, Research, and Teaching appraisals

We are also pleased to announce that the above pathways will launch during the first week of February and we will provide a further update in due course.  

In the meantime, to learn more about the new platform,
  • University College London, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT (0) 20 7679 2000