Read the latest information about the virus, details about travel to affected areas and what to do if you need to self-isolate.
We know that students and staff will be feeling anxious about the virus not least because the situation is evolving rapidly. UCL is in regular contact with Public Health England (PHE) and it is our policy to follow their advice, together with guidance from the NHS and the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO). You can see the latest information including answers to frequently asked questions on the UCL website at
A response group including Deans, Heads of Department, members of the senior management team and Students’ Union UCL are meeting regularly to explore the possible short and longer term implications. The UK Chief Medical Officers have raised the risk to the public from low to moderate. This does not mean they think the risk to individuals in the UK has changed, but that government should plan for all eventualities. On the advice of PHE, the university remains open and we recommend that students, staff and visitors attend their scheduled activities as normal.
There are some countries and areas where there is a higher chance of coming into contact with someone with coronavirus. Please make sure you check the FCO website if you have recently travelled to an affected area, or if you are planning to make a trip in the future. Remember that circumstances may change during your trip, and you may be subject to travel restrictions or required to self-isolate on your return to the UK, even if you have no symptoms of the virus.
UCL has a duty of care to our staff and students, wherever they are in the world, and we are in touch with all who are abroad in affected areas. Please use Key Travel to book any planned UCL trips for all staff, students, contractors and visitors so UCL can provide you with any support you might need, either before, during or after travel.
If you are a student or a member of staff and you need to self-isolate, visit This is UCL’s main webpage where you can find the latest information about the virus. Please refer to this page for accurate and updated advice about the coronavirus and UCL’s response. We will update this page and our frequently asked questions regularly with more information as it become available. If you have a question about UCL’s response to the coronavirus outbreak that hasn’t been answered, please get in touch via our online form.
Thank you for the support you are showing each other though this uncertain time.
With best wishes,
Ms Fiona Ryland
Chief Operating Officer
Professor Anthony Smith
Vice-Provost (Education & Student Affairs)