Free legal advice available at the Sussex Law Clinics


Free legal advice available at the Sussex Law Clinics

The Sussex Law School has recently launched two free legal advice clinics as part of their Clinical Legal Education programme.

Sussex staff, students and members of the public can receive free legal advice on a range of issues relating to family law or employment law.

The clinics aim to provide a public service to local people seeking legal advice whilst providing opportunities for students to develop and improve their practical legal skills.

Family Law Clinic

The Family Law Clinic offers 30-minute’s at Sussex Law School every Wednesday between 2pm and 6pm. Legal advice is facilitated and researched by students within the Law School in partnership with our in-house lawyer.

We offer advice on the following areas:
  • financial issues (procedures)

Employment Law Clinic

Legal advice is facilitated and researched by students within the Sussex Law School. Students are supported by solicitors from the Brighton and London area with expertise in employment law.

We offer advice on the following areas:
  • bogus self-employment
  • illegal deduction of pay
  • employment discrimination
  • unfair dismissals
  • zero-hour contracts
  • trade union freedoms