Final call for EBSD conference abstracts

The University of Glasgow is issuing a final call for abstract submissions for this year’s Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) conference.

The conference, organised by the Royal Microscopical Society, is set to take place at the University’s Mazumdar-Shaw Advanced Research Centre on April 1st and 2nd.

The deadline for submissions for oral and poster presentations is Friday 24 January.

The annual conference brings together experts from across the globe to explore the latest advances in crystallographic analysis and materials characterisation.

The meeting serves as a vital gathering point for the multidisciplinary EBSD community, showcasing the newest developments and applications of EBSD and related techniques.

Dr Luke Daly of the School of Geographical & Earth Sciences is the conference’s scientific organiser. He said: "We’re delighted to be hosting this year’s EBSD conference on-campus at the University of Glasgow.

"The conference, which brings together researchers who typically work in separate disciplines, offers a unique opportunity for the community to workshop ideas, share best practices, and discover new tools that others have been developing across different fields.

"I’m looking forward to seeing presentations from researchers working across a wide range of related disciplines, and I’d encourage anyone who is interested in showcasing their work to submit an abstract ahead of the deadline."

For more information on the conference, visit the Royal Microscopy Society’s website.