Bristol-Airbus Group charter reinforces University-industry links

12 November 2014

The University of Bristol was recently invited to sign up for a University Charter Agreement with Airbus Group.

The Dean of Engineering, Professor Andrew Nix, and Airbus Group ambassador Ian Lane (Senior Structures Expert at Airbus), met with colleagues at the group’s first annual meeting, which marks the beginning of a new determination to work closely together across a number of areas.

Mark Stewart, Airbus Group UK General Manager and Human Resources Director, said: ’We are working with many great academic institutions: Bristol is a world-class university for aeronautical engineering, with a great academic track record and innovative researchers and academics. It’s also physically close to the group’s operations. This makes the University of Bristol a natural partner for Airbus Group. We’re both steeped in the aeronautical history of Bristol – it’s in our DNA.’

Following Airbus Group’s invitation to be a Partner University, there have already been developments: Airbus Group has been involved in several lectures in the Faculty of Engineering, and is working on a new scholarship scheme for Bristol students. Plans are also under way for an Airbus Group-sponsored position to promote more women in engineering.

Professor Andrew Nix said: ‘I’m delighted that we have signed this charter, which will help to secure our relationship with a major player for the future – this is a partnership that will equally enhance our teaching and research activity.’

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