


Results 251 - 300 of 318.

Architecture - Social Sciences - 23.02.2012
Modernist makeover was Mancunians' way
Modernist makeover was Mancunians’ way
Manchester was a stone's throw away from a brave new world of helipads, boulevards, tunnels and moving pavements, according to unrealised plans unearthed by researchers at The University of Manchester and Manchester School of Architecture.

Architecture - 16.02.2012
Finding the maths on your street
A series of walking tours launched next week show how you can discover the maths hidden in our urban surroundings. Anyone can join the free tours of London and Oxford (book your place here ) which explore how cities - their buildings, roads, railways, sewers, and power systems - are all built on mathematical foundations.

Architecture - 14.02.2012
'Invisibility' cloak could protect buildings from earthquakes
‘Invisibility’ cloak could protect buildings from earthquakes
University of Manchester mathematicians have developed the theory for a Harry Potter style 'cloaking' device which could protect buildings from earthquakes. William Parnell's team in the University's School of Mathematics have been working on the theory of invisibility cloaks which, until recently, have been merely the subject of science fiction.

Architecture - Economics - 09.02.2012
Infrastructure revolution
Infrastructure revolution
Technology has advanced to the point where the condition of bridges, tunnels and buildings can be monitored in unprecedented detail.

Environment - Architecture - 08.02.2012
The UK’s largest prefabricated straw bale building is officially opened
One of the largest prefabricated straw bale buildings in Europe officially opened at The University of Nottingham today - Wednesday 8 February 2012.

Art and Design - Architecture - 08.02.2012
Theatres of war: public spending on buildings for the arts
Theatres of war: public spending on buildings for the arts
National recommendations for using public money to build arts venues are only succeeding in enforcing a system that is already flawed, a new study concludes.

Architecture - 25.01.2012
Report outlines measures to cut carbon emissions from buildings
Report outlines measures to cut carbon emissions from buildings
A new report from the Environmental Change Institute at Oxford University today outlines its strategy to transform the UK's built environment.

History / Archeology - Architecture - 14.01.2012
Charting the Rise and Decline of the Gothic Cathedral
Charting the Rise and Decline of the Gothic Cathedral
A comprehensive exploration into Gothic cathedrals and their place in medieval society will be the focus of a series of Cambridge University Slade Lectures in Fine Art entitled The Gothic Cathedral: A New Heaven and a New Earth.

Architecture - Earth Sciences - 28.12.2011
‘Extreme Sleepover #7’ – on the banks of the great grey-green, greasy Limpopo River
‘Extreme Sleepover #7’ – on the banks of the great grey-green, greasy Limpopo River
In the seventh of a series of reports contributed by Cambridge researchers, architect Michael Ramage travels to South Africa to build strength out of weakness.

Architecture - 23.11.2011
Yoko Ono among artists exploring beauty
Yoko Ono among artists exploring beauty
Works by Yoko Ono and Turner Prize nominee Karla Black feature in a new exhibition on the nature of beauty.

Architecture - History / Archeology - 28.09.2011
World-renowned engineer Sir Ove Arup honoured with unveiling of new bust
World-renowned engineer Sir Ove Arup honoured with unveiling of new bust

Economics - Architecture - 19.07.2011
Postgrad develops magic goggles and enchanted maps for a fun museum experience
Postgrad develops magic goggles and enchanted maps for a fun museum experience
by Colin Smith An Imperial postgraduate has developed a suite of interactive tools to make museums and galleries more fun for children, including magic goggles, a Harry Potter style map and brushes that make sounds.

Architecture - 14.07.2011
Big Ideas for the Future at the House of Commons
A Reader in the School of Architecture has taken part in the Research Councils UK (RCUK) 'Big Ideas for the Future' launch in the House of Commons. Carl Hopkins, Head of the Acoustics Research Unit , had his Arts and Humanities Research Council-funded project on interactive performance for musicians with a hearing impairment included in the report, which is jointly published by Universities UK and RCUK.

History / Archeology - Architecture - 23.06.2011
New Art College Principal

Architecture - 23.05.2011
Bartlett collaboration wins architectural award

Linguistics / Literature - Architecture - 20.04.2011
The Medieval West
The Medieval West
The culture of the West Country in the Middle Ages and its role in shaping the identity of Medieval England is the focus of a new research project at the University of Bristol.

History / Archeology - Architecture - 16.03.2011
Ceci n'est pas une Magritte!
Ceci n’est pas une Magritte!

Architecture - History / Archeology - 24.01.2011
The Slade Lectures in Fine Art 2011
The Slade Lectures in Fine Art 2011

Architecture - History / Archeology - 19.01.2011
New appointments at the Bartlett School of Architecture
New appointments at the Bartlett School of Architecture

Architecture - 02.01.2011
Spencer de Grey becomes visiting Professor of Design
Spencer de Grey becomes visiting Professor of Design

Architecture - 14.12.2010
Major BBC documentary on ancient underwater city
PA 358/10 The excavation of an ancient underwater city — dating back to 3500 BC — is to be the subject of a major new BBC Two television documentary. This ground breaking project will feature the research of underwater archaeologist Dr Jon Henderson from The University of Nottingham. The programme will use state-of-the-art computer graphics to show what pre-historic Pavlopetri — a submerged city lying off the coast of Greece — would have looked like and how its people lived.

Architecture - 06.12.2010
UCL Australia campus wins architectural design awards

Environment - Architecture - 30.11.2010
£20m eco-friendly hotel for University of Nottingham

Environment - Architecture - 30.11.2010
Lord Foster explains his quest for sustainability
Lord Foster explains his quest for sustainability

Linguistics / Literature - Architecture - 15.11.2010
LMH wins national building award
LMH wins national building award

Architecture - Environment - 03.11.2010
UCL professor embarks on Malaysian urban regeneration project

Linguistics / Literature - Architecture - 25.10.2010
Watch: Colouring the Invisible
Watch: Colouring the Invisible
'Colouring The Invisible' is a short-term installation by Julia Vogl, student at the UCL Slade School of Fine Art, to reflect the languages most commonly spoken by the UCL School of Slavonic and Eastern European Studies? (SSEES) community.

Architecture - 21.10.2010
“Outstanding research” of Manchester lecturer wins top award

Architecture - 20.10.2010
Bartlett professor’s book nominated for international awards

Architecture - 30.09.2010
Art and music 'collide' in new exhibition
Art and music ’collide’ in new exhibition

Architecture - 29.09.2010
Constructing Realities: last chance to see Bartlett work on show
This week marks the last chance to see Constructing Realities , an exhibition featuring the work of postgraduate students from the UCL Bartlett School of Architecture, running until Friday 1 October at Phase 2 on Fitzroy Street.

Architecture - Health - 21.09.2010
New housing tool set to improve life for older people

Architecture - 08.09.2010
Re-thinking the concrete jungle
Re-thinking the concrete jungle
University of Leeds engineers are working with the artist Victoria Ferrand Scott to exploit the untapped potential of architecture's 'ugly duckling' as a versatile and even sensuous sculptural material.

Environment - Architecture - 23.08.2010
World experts explore how city living can be sustained
PA 219/10 How can vast cities accommodate millions more people while reducing their impact on the environment? This is what British and Chinese experts in 'eco-urbanism' will explore in China next Monday and Tuesday at Shanghai Expo 2010, set in the world's most populous 'true' city.

Environment - Architecture - 30.07.2010
Vision of water wins sustainability competition
Vision of water wins sustainability competition
Links: Green UCL Blue UCL event information UCL Environment Institute UCL Estates and Facilities UCL Union and the environment HoldUP Architecture An installation exploring how much water it requires

Architecture - Mechanical Engineering - 26.07.2010
Chandelier sheds light on Hooke and Newton
Chandelier sheds light on Hooke and Newton

Architecture - 23.07.2010
Ashmolean shortlisted for architecture prize
Ashmolean shortlisted for architecture prize

History / Archeology - Architecture - 23.07.2010
Eight Cambridge academics to join British Academy Fellowship
Eight Cambridge academics to join British Academy Fellowship
The British Academy has today announced the scholars elected for this year's Fellowships in recognition of their contribution to the humanities and social sciences.

Architecture - 15.07.2010
The Long Dark
The Long Dark

Architecture - 28.06.2010
Watch: The UCL Bartlett Summer Show
Watch: The UCL Bartlett Summer Show
The Summer Show is the annual celebration of student work at UCL's Bartlett School of Architecture. Over 450 students show innovative drawings, models, devices, texts, animations and installations.

Architecture - Physics - 24.06.2010
Reflective Room at The Manchester Museum
Reflective Room at The Manchester Museum
An exciting new temporary structure - Reflective Room – is currently being constructed in The Manchester Museum's courtyard, due to be completed by 6 July 2010.

Architecture - Linguistics / Literature - 23.06.2010
Ground-breaking buildings listed
Ground-breaking buildings listed
Post-war buildings at the University of Leeds which created world-wide interest when they were built have been listed on the recommendation of English Heritage.

Environment - Architecture - 18.06.2010
Architectural impact of climate change mimicked in lab tests
The architectural and structural havoc wreaked by torrential rain, flooding and fluctuating temperatures could be prevented thanks to analysis based on laboratory simulations.

Architecture - Computer Science - 14.06.2010
Art exhibition at King's College
Art exhibition at King’s College

Architecture - 07.06.2010
Arts Degree Show
A solar-powered bamboo radio; a coat stand inspired by Salvador Dali; a paracetamol-infused jam; and a giant man/ant hybrid will all go on public display this month as part of the annual University of Plymouth Arts Degree Show.

Linguistics / Literature - Architecture - 20.05.2010
Poet Laureate puts John Rylands Totem in pole position
Poet Laureate puts John Rylands Totem in pole position
Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy is to unveil an 11-metre high piece of public art at The University of Manchester's world-famous John Rylands Library today (20 May).

Architecture - 22.04.2010
Putting the art into architecture
Putting the art into architecture

Architecture - Environment - 18.04.2010
CJ Lim: Welcome to Wonderland
CJ Lim: Welcome to Wonderland
It is easy to understand why CJ Lim, Professor of Architecture and Cultural Design at the Bartlett School of Architecture, has a special insight into the emotions of international students contemplating life at UCL.

Civil Engineering - Architecture - 18.04.2010
Divided cities exhibition visits Manchester
Divided cities exhibition visits Manchester
A free exhibition showing the complex relationship between the city environment - such as buildings, walls and murals - with urban conflict is in Manchester this week.

History / Archeology - Architecture - 13.04.2010
Multi-faith space study launched
A pioneering architectural study into the history and impact of multi-faith spaces has been launched by a University of Manchester team with a meeting of representatives from the UK's major faiths.