

Agronomy/Food Science

Results 251 - 300 of 408.

Health - Agronomy / Food Science - 11.08.2014
Combatting childhood obesity from the age of two
Press release issued: 11 August 2014 A successful American initiative to tackle childhood obesity will be trialled in the UK, thanks to a new £431,495 research project targeting children as young as two.

Economics - Agronomy / Food Science - 11.07.2014
Economic impact of El Niño
El Niño has a significant impact on the world and local economies - and not always for the worst - and countries should plan ahead to mitigate its effects, according to a new Working Paper from the University of Cambridge.

Health - Agronomy / Food Science - 07.07.2014
Babies born to healthy mums are strikingly similar in size worldwide
Babies' growth in the womb and their size at birth are strikingly similar the world over - when babies are born to healthy, well-educated and well-nourished mothers.

Health - Agronomy / Food Science - 10.06.2014
'Dietitians Week': Where are all the male dietitians? And, creating healthy and budget meals
A lecturer in dietetics at The University of Nottingham has helped to start a campaign to encourage more men to consider taking up careers in the field of nutrition.

Environment - Agronomy / Food Science - 05.06.2014
New EU reforms fail European wildlife
Despite political proclamation of increased environmental focus, experts argue that the European Union's recent agricultural reforms are far too weak to have any positive impact on the continent's shrinking farmland biodiversity, and call on member states to take action.

Economics - Agronomy / Food Science - 07.05.2014
Agricultural markets and the Great Depression: lessons from the past
Seventy five years ago, the publication of John Steinbeck's novel The Grapes of Wrath shocked the world with its description of starvation in the midst of plenty.

Health - Agronomy / Food Science - 01.05.2014
Symposium: what should weight management clinics offer?
The 14th Plymouth Symposium on obesity, diabetes and metabolic syndrome, ‘Diabesity’, will take place at the Plymouth Postgraduate Medical Centre at Derriford Hospital, Plymouth, on 22nd May 2014.

Agronomy / Food Science - 28.04.2014
Free game lets you play part of an African farmer
Free game lets you play part of an African farmer
Free game lets you play part of an African farmer A free online game created by Sussex academics that simulates the challenges faced by African farmers has been launched today (Monday 28 April).

Agronomy / Food Science - Health - 24.04.2014
Society’s fixation with children’s weight can be counterproductive
A preoccupation with obesity could harm children's overall health and wellbeing, claim researchers.

Agronomy / Food Science - 15.04.2014
Family cooking lessons and fun exercise could be the key to cutting childhood obesity
Organising cooking lessons for parents and children and planning extra exercise classes in school time are some of the activities that have shown promise in preventing obesity in primary school aged children, a University of Birmingham study published today has shown.

Agronomy / Food Science - Economics - 10.04.2014
Taste-makers for the nation: Britain’s fine-dining revolution
Frequently derided as stuck-up and exclusive, haute cuisine has dropped its posh image and is appealing to a wider range of customers than ever before, transforming the way we think about food in the process, according to new research.

Physics - Agronomy / Food Science - 08.04.2014
From athletes to couch potatoes: humans through 6,000 years of farming
Research into lower limb bones shows that our early farming ancestors in Central Europe became less active as their tasks diversified and technology improved. At a conference today, Cambridge University anthropologist Alison Macintosh will show that this drop in mobility was particularly marked in men.

Health - Agronomy / Food Science - 02.04.2014
Gastric surgery halves risk of heart attack in obese people
Gastric surgery halves risk of heart attack in obese people
02 Apr 2014 Obese people who have stomach surgery to help them lose weight will halve their risk of heart attack according to new research from a team of doctors at The University of Manchester, University of East Anglia and University of Aberdeen. The procedures, known as bariatric surgery, involve techniques such as gastric banding, which are available on the National Health Service (NHS), UK for selected patients.

Health - Agronomy / Food Science - 28.03.2014
Quality early childhood programs help prevent chronic diseases in later life
Disadvantaged children who attend high-quality early childhood development programs including healthcare and nutrition have significantly improved health as adults, reports a new study. The study was led by researchers from UCL (University College London), the University of Chicago and the University of North Carolina.

Environment - Agronomy / Food Science - 12.03.2014
Wetter winters may increase river pollution
Warmer, wetter winters could lower the quality of our rivers, according to warnings from environmental scientists.

Agronomy / Food Science - Education - 10.03.2014
Education 'protects' poor women from fattening effects of rising wealth
Education ’protects’ poor women from fattening effects of rising wealth
Obesity levels among women in lowand middle-income countries tend to rise in line with wealth as they purchase more energy-dense foods, but a new UCL study suggests that more educated consumers make better food choices that mitigate this effect. The study showed that in middle-income countries, obesity levels among women with secondary or higher education are 14-19% lower than less-educated women of similar wealth.

Health - Agronomy / Food Science - 05.03.2014
Academic backs call for sugar tax
In a week when the Chief Medical Officer has called for a sugar tax to be introduced to help combat the nation’s obesity epidemic, Dr. Gail Rees, Associate Professor in Human Nutrition at Plym

Environment - Agronomy / Food Science - 27.02.2014
Feeding the world: new PhDs aim to help increase sustainable food production
Feeding the world: new PhDs aim to help increase sustainable food production
Thirteen PhD students will join Imperial in October to devise ways of making food production sustainable, in a new training initiative with industry.

Agronomy / Food Science - Health - 16.02.2014
Associate Professorship for nutrition and diet expert

Health - Agronomy / Food Science - 13.02.2014
New phone app will aid healthy food and drink choices
New phone app will aid healthy food and drink choices
A free smartphone app has been launched to help shoppers in the UK make healthier food and drink choices.

Health - Agronomy / Food Science - 10.02.2014
Fruit juice - just another sugary drink?
Drinking fruit juice is potentially just as bad for you as drinking sugar-sweetened drinks because of its high sugar content, two medical researchers from the University of Glasgow have warned.

Administration - Agronomy / Food Science - 04.02.2014
Benefits of school meal programmes discussed at London meeting
Benefits of school meal programmes discussed at London meeting
Global leaders met in London on 22 January to discuss how school meal programmes can improve educational outcomes and boost agricultural economies.

Agronomy / Food Science - Health - 31.01.2014
Key to sustainable nutrition in Africa is prevention not treatment
o Stunting among children increased to 45 per cent in 2011 o Africa must take charge of research priorities to beat malnutrition and hunger Interventions to prevent, rather than treat nutritional problems, are needed to alleviate malnutrition and hunger in Sub-Saharan Africa according to new research.

Agronomy / Food Science - Health - 21.01.2014
Childhood obesity can only be tackled with broad public health interventions
21 Jan 2014 Public health researchers from The University of Manchester have found single dietary interventions are not effective at increasing fruit and vegetable consumption among overweight children and will not halt the global epidemic in childhood obesity.

Health - Agronomy / Food Science - 17.01.2014
2 million may be entitled to weight loss surgery
2 million may be entitled to weight loss surgery
Over two million people in England are eligible for surgery to treat obesity, according to new research.

Agronomy / Food Science - Health - 15.01.2014
Family perspectives on terminal sedation
The families of some very severely brain injured patients believe that once all treatment options are exhausted, allowing their relatives to die with the help of terminal sedation would be a humane and compassionate option, research carried out by the University of York and Cardiff University has revealed.

Health - Agronomy / Food Science - 13.01.2014
New study to explore an intervention to help reduce weight in people with schizophrenia
New study to explore an intervention to help reduce weight in people with schizophrenia
o Schizophrenia patients three times more likely to be overweight or obese o People with serve mental illness die 10-20 years earlier Researchers from the University of Sheffield are to investigate w

Health - Agronomy / Food Science - 09.01.2014
“Sugar is the new tobacco” says expert
Professor Simon Capewell, from the University's Institute of Psychology, Health and Society is part of campaign, `Action on Sugar', aimed at reducing the amount of added sugar in food and soft drinks to help tackle the obesity epidemic.

Health - Agronomy / Food Science - 06.01.2014
Smoothing the way to a healthy glow?
A group of university students are enjoying a specially designed fruit smoothie a day to discover whether it can improve their appearance and make them feel healthier. Their efforts are part of a study to assess what effect a carotenoid rich fresh fruit drink could have on our skin and perceived attractiveness.

Agronomy / Food Science - Health - 24.11.2013
Expanding waistlines are better measure of nation’s obesity crisis than BMI
If your trousers or skirts seem to be getting tighter you are not alone: almost 40% of men and women are now becoming obese in old age.

Health - Agronomy / Food Science - 22.11.2013
Treating risk factors could cut obesity-related risk of heart disease and stroke
Treating risk factors could cut obesity-related risk of heart disease and stroke
Controlling blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood glucose may reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke associated with being overweight or obese.

Agronomy / Food Science - Health - 08.11.2013
Pupils choose grab-and-go foods at schools
New research from nutrition experts at the University of Sheffield has revealed that sandwiches, pizza and puddings are the most popular dishes with pupils.

Agronomy / Food Science - Health - 31.10.2013
Pizza Perfect! A nutritional overhaul of ’junk food’ and ready-meals is possible
Pizza is widely regarded as a fully-paid up member of the junk food gang - maybe even the leader - at least the versions found on supermarket shelves or delivered to your door by scooter.

Agronomy / Food Science - 23.09.2013
Sir David Omand to head new commission on the security impact of drones
Sir David Omand, the UK's former Security and Intelligence Co-ordinator and director of GCHQ, is to chair the University of Birmingham's latest policy commission.

Health - Agronomy / Food Science - 20.09.2013
Scientists turning unwanted goods into life-saving research
20 Sep 2013 Heart researchers in Manchester have been awarded a prestigious grant of more than £180,000 by the British Heart Foundation (BHF).

Health - Agronomy / Food Science - 11.09.2013
Childbirth risks not the same for all obese women
Obesity raises the chances of complications and medical interventions in childbirth. But a new study by Oxford University shows the risks are not the same for all obese women. For otherwise healthy women, the increase in risk with obesity may not be as great as previously suspected.

Agronomy / Food Science - 09.09.2013
Commercial baby foods don’t meet infants’ dietary weaning needs
UK commercial baby food don't meet infants' dietary weaning needs, because they are predominantly sweet foods that provide little extra nutritional goodness over breast milk, indicates research published online in Archives of Disease in Childhood.

Agronomy / Food Science - Health - 06.09.2013
Education protects women from the obesity associated with urban living
Research into the rise in obesity associated with the burgeoning industrial and service sectors in lowand middle-income countries found that education is a key factor in reducing the negative impact on women's health.

Agronomy / Food Science - 30.08.2013
Michelin star restaurant add Bentham recipe to their menu
Michelin star restaurant add Bentham recipe to their menu
An 18th Century recipe recommended by Jeremy Bentham for inmates of his proposed Panopticon prison has been added to the menu at St. John restaurant in London.

Chemistry - Agronomy / Food Science - 22.08.2013
How does your garden grow?
A simple mixture of organic waste, such as chicken manure, and zeolite, a porous volcanic rock, has been developed into a powerful fertiliser which can also reclaim desert or contaminated land.

Agronomy / Food Science - Economics - 21.08.2013
Plymouth seeking to become UK’s first Fish2Fork Blue City
Plymouth’s restaurants are being given an opportunity to participate in a scheme that could bring a prestigious award to the City and set Plymouth apart as a world-leading city for seafood sustainability.

Event - Agronomy / Food Science - 14.08.2013
Entomologist and chef unite to entice people into insects
In May this year, the United Nations’ Food and Agricultural Organisation published a report which provided the first comprehensive assessment of insects' current and potential uses food for humans and livestock.

Philosophy - Agronomy / Food Science - 06.08.2013
Local and international flavours from new Executive Chef
Local and international flavours from new Executive Chef
Local and international flavours from new Executive Chef Luca Nervi, who has been appointed as Executive Chef for the University of Sussex with new external partner Chartwells, developed his passion for cooking as a child in rural Italy.

Health - Agronomy / Food Science - 13.07.2013
Lack of fish in diet linked to anxiety in pregnancy
Women who do not eat fish during pregnancy are more likely to experience high levels of anxiety at that time. Researchers from Children of the 90s at the University of Bristol and the Federal University of Rio de Janiero, Brazil, have found a link between the types of diet eaten, particularly whether this includes fish, and anxiety in pregnancy.

Environment - Agronomy / Food Science - 04.07.2013
The balancing act of producing more food sustainably
A policy known as sustainable intensification could help meet the challenges of increasing demands for food from a growing global population, argues a team of scientists in an article in the journal Science .

Environment - Agronomy / Food Science - 14.06.2013
"Regret-free" approaches for adapting agriculture to climate change
A new study calls for governments and farmers to adapt to climate shifts, despite uncertainties about what growing conditions will look like decades from now.

Agronomy / Food Science - Health - 11.06.2013
Four-fold rise in children treated for obesity-related conditions
Four-fold rise in children treated for obesity-related conditions
The number of children admitted to hospital for problems related to obesity in England and Wales quadrupled between 2000 and 2009, a study has found.

Health - Agronomy / Food Science - 29.05.2013
MRC and Wellcome Trust invest £24m in Cambridge obesity institute
This joint initiative from the MRC and Wellcome Trust will provide exciting new opportunities to better understand the fundamental causes of disease such as obesity and diabetes and translate that knowledge into improved therapies Professor Stephen O'Rahilly The Medical Research Council (MRC) and Wellcome Trust are to invest £24m into obesity research led by the Wellcome Trust-MRC Institute of Metabolic Science (IMS).

Health - Agronomy / Food Science - 24.05.2013
Health in adults may be determined before birth
The likelihood of adults developing obesity, asthma, allergies, cardiovascular disease and many more conditions may well be determined in the womb, according to the findings of a new Report by the Br

Earth Sciences - Agronomy / Food Science - 17.05.2013
Views of the landscape
In a talk on Monday (20 May 2013) Dr Simon Nightingale will explore how painterly interpretations of the countryside were embedded into the literature of agricultural improvement in a way that might surprise modern readers.