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Environment - Administration - 13.06.2018
How to save Antarctica (and the rest of Earth too)
Decisions made in the next decade will determine whether Antarctica suffers dramatic changes that contribute to a metre of global sea level rise.

Health - Administration - 13.06.2018
UK public shows strong preference for vaccines that prevent severe illness, particularly for children
The UK public has a clear preference for funding vaccination programmes which protect young children against severe diseases, finds a new study that considered the public's preferences on vaccines available on the NHS.

Administration - Innovation - 08.06.2018
Professor Graeme Reid’s report into research and innovation for Welsh Government published

History / Archeology - Administration - 08.06.2018
Compelling and innovative study of Black Power receives nomination for prestigious first book prize

Art and Design - Administration - 07.06.2018
Dumfries and Galloway’s holds first refugee and migrant film festival

Administration - Computer Science - 07.06.2018
Cardiff academics join UK efforts to fight cyber crime

Law - Administration - 04.06.2018
Two research projects awarded funding
The Scottish Government is providing funding for two projects, to be led by researchers from Glasgow and Stirling universities.

Administration - 04.06.2018
Community impact of serious organised crime
The changing face of serious organised crime, its impact in communities and the potential for local services to prevent exploitation, have been highlighted in new research involving the University of Glasgow.

Innovation - Administration - 01.06.2018
Swansea and Cardiff team up to help Welsh economy

Administration - Career - 01.06.2018
Drive for better public policy clinches award

Event - Administration - 01.06.2018
20th anniversary awards celebrate power of partnerships

Health - Administration - 01.06.2018
UofG launches innovative scheme to train next generation of Primary Care leaders

Economics - Administration - 24.05.2018
Economics centre led by UCL academics granted Research Institute status

Administration - 24.05.2018
University of Birmingham signs partner MOU with Nanjing government

Computer Science - Administration - 24.05.2018
Algorithm bias warning, as Vice-Provost advises parliamentary committee
Growing use of algorithms in decision-making risks disproportionate bias against certain groups, a new parliamentary report has warned.

Administration - Media - 22.05.2018
What are the implications of a data-driven society?

Health - Administration - 22.05.2018
Higher rate of unplanned hospital admissions
Children who live with an adult with a mental health condition or alcohol dependency are significantly more likely to have an unplanned hospital admission, especially for injury and maltreatment, suggests a study by the National Centre for Population Health & Wellbeing Research (NCPHWR).

Education - Administration - 22.05.2018
New statutory Relationships and Sexuality Education for Wales

Economics - Administration - 18.05.2018
OBE for Ningbo Provost

Event - Administration - 18.05.2018
Oxford receives Race Equality Charter bronze award

Administration - 16.05.2018
Research wins The BMJ’s ’UK Research Paper of the Year’

Administration - Economics - 14.05.2018
Research on economic impact of Scotland’s national bard
‌ The University of Glasgow will carry out an extensive assessment of the economic value of Robert Burns to Scotland, it was announced today (Monday 14 May 2018) Professor Murray Pittock of the C

Economics - Administration - 09.05.2018
University knowhow helps Qioptiq win £82m contract

Computer Science - Administration - 01.05.2018
£1.2m supports Cardiff coders

Administration - 01.05.2018
UofG Professor to chair Scotland’s refugee integration partnership and strategy

Economics - Administration - 01.05.2018
Office to residential developments providing ’poor quality housing’
Research co-led by UCL highlights the benefits and detriment to residential housing, along with the implications for public authorities and local communities, following a series of changes to permitted development rights.

Administration - 27.04.2018
Oxford showcases European research successes

Politics - Administration - 26.04.2018
Urgent action needed to safeguard the internet for all, says expert
World leaders must join together to ensure new technologies do not become a means of harm, according to an influential academic in the field of internet governance.

Administration - 26.04.2018
Nuffield Foundation appoints Lancaster team to deliver development of Family Justice Observatory
The Nuffield Foundation has appointed a team, led by Professor Karen Broadhurst at Lancaster University, to deliver the development phase of the Nuffield Family Justice Observatory.

Administration - 25.04.2018
Abolish ’priority need’ to tackle rough sleeping in Wales

Administration - History / Archeology - 24.04.2018
Funding in place for new cornerstone of the Gaelic language
The Scottish Government has announced a £2.5 million investment in the next phase of the first comprehensive dictionary of Gaelic.

Environment - Administration - 22.04.2018
University of Glasgow celebrates Earth Day 2018

Philosophy - Administration - 18.04.2018
Digital remains should be treated like physical ones
Our internet activity - commonly referred to as digital remains, should be treated with the same care and respect as physical remains, according to Oxford University research.

Administration - Social Sciences - 18.04.2018
Celebrating Impact

Administration - Social Sciences - 18.04.2018
CREST to receive further £2.88m in funding
The Centre for Research and Evidence on Security Threats (CREST) has been awarded £2.88m, in a grant administered by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), to continue existing and d

Administration - 17.04.2018
Durham University awarded £50,000 to help tackle religious hate crime in the region

Innovation - Administration - 16.04.2018
£5 million award to help innovation in the region

Linguistics / Literature - Administration - 13.04.2018
What is the future of modern languages in the 21st century?

Administration - Career - 11.04.2018
Bristol hosts international symposium addressing global challenges

Education - Administration - 11.04.2018
"Little robots": behind the scenes at an academy school

Administration - 10.04.2018
Peace Festival: An evening of art, film and discussion about conflict

Innovation - Administration - 10.04.2018
UofG prof sets sights on the stars with £1.3m Research Chair

Administration - 05.04.2018
Community ambassadors scheme returns after reaching 7,000 residents last year

Administration - Education - 05.04.2018
Early years provision a ’postcode lottery’, according to new report
Government records of Sure Start children's centre closures are a massive underestimate, according to a major report published today.

Linguistics / Literature - Administration - 05.04.2018
Writing the wrongs

Administration - Pedagogy - 03.04.2018
Children’s Neighbourhoods Scotland win funding to tackle child poverty
The Scottish Government has given £2m funding through Every Child, Every Chance, its Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan 2018-22, to Children's Neighbourhoods Scotland (CNS) - an innovative collabor

Administration - 29.03.2018
Expert review recognises quality of research across Durham University through academic panel appointments

Administration - 28.03.2018
Home Office funds University of Bristol research into prostitution
As part of efforts by Government and law enforcement to better understand the nature of prostitution and sex work, the University of Bristol has been granted £150,000 to carry out a new research project. Professor Marianne Hester , one of the country's leading experts in gender-based violence, will lead the project over the next year.

Health - Administration - 26.03.2018
Warwick Medical School hosts Thai health delegation

Administration - Economics - 26.03.2018
Oxford to play key role in UK energy demand research centre
Oxford University is to take a lead role in the UK Centre for Research on Energy Demand, which will focus on developing effective, yet environmentally sound energy solutions.
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