


Results 61 - 80 of 439.

Career - Economics - 16.02.2021
How has the pandemic impacted our wellbeing?
New research from Professor Roger Gill, helps us to understand the impact of ongoing Covid-19 restrictions on mental health and wellbeing. The study, delivered in partnership with Professor Matt Grawitch and colleagues at St Louis University in Missouri, surveyed people living and working across the UK, France, Germany, Canada and the US.

Environment - Economics - 18.01.2021
Low-carbon policies can be ’balanced’ to benefit small firms and average households - study
A review of ten types of policy used to reduce carbon suggests that some costs fall on those less able to bear them - but it also shows these policies can form the bedrock of a 'green recovery' if specifically designed and used in tandem. Unless low-carbon policies are fair, affordable and economically competitive, they will struggle to secure public support Cristina Peñasco Some of the low-carbon policy options currently used by governments may be detrimental to households and small businesses less able to manage added short-term costs from energy price hikes, according to a new study.

Economics - Health - 15.12.2020
Don’t follow the herd: How governments’ tough Covid restrictions can help limit economic damage
The UK Government's hesitancy to bring in tougher Covid restrictions exacerbated investor herding, market volatility and greater harm to its economy compared to countries with swifter and more decisive pandemic responses, new research indicates. Countries with more stringent government responses to the coronavirus crisis benefitted from lower levels of investor herding, newly published research from the University of Sussex Business School , Southampton Business School and University of Brescia (Italy) reveals.

Economics - Health - 07.12.2020
Full cost of California’s wildfires to the US revealed
California's 2018 wildfires cost the US economy $148.5bn (£110bn) (0.7% of the country's annual GDP), of which $45.9bn was lost outside the state, according to researchers from universities including UCL. More than 8,500 separate fires burned during 2018 in California, making them the deadliest and most destructive of any year in the state's history.

Economics - 29.10.2020
New financial inclusion report shows growing gulf between savers and those with debts amongst UK households
COVID-19 is having a massive impact on household finances, with personal debts increasing. But some people are seeing their savings rise as their incomes remain unaffected and their spending has been curtailed - says a new financial inclusion monitor from the University of Birmingham and the University of Lincoln.

Environment - Economics - 26.10.2020
Globalised economy making water, energy and land insecurity worse: study
The first large-scale study of the risks that countries face from dependence on water, energy and land resources has found that globalisation may be decreasing, rather than increasing, the security of global supply chains. By quantifying the pressures that our consumption places on water, energy and land resources in far-off corners of the world, we can also determine how much risk is built into our interconnected world Oliver Taherzadeh Countries meet their needs for goods and services through domestic production and international trade.

Economics - 19.10.2020
Foreign investment expected to fall 37% post-Brexit
Foreign investment into the UK is now predicted to fall by 37% post-Brexit, a 50% increase over previous estimates, as a result of leaving the EU single market and customs union, finds a new study by UCL and LSE economists. The peer-reviewed study, which is forthcoming in the Journal of Common Market Studies, highlights that the single market, since its implementation in 1992, has been the 'cornerstone' for additional foreign direct investment (FDI).

Environment - Economics - 16.10.2020
Cooling: hidden threat for climate change and sustainable goals
Past research suggests growing international demand for cooling has the potential to drive one of the most substantial increases in greenhouse gas emissions in recent history. A new study sets out a framework for delivering sustainable cooling. It also examines cooling needs in the context of sustainable development, and finds that this is a global blind spot.

Social Sciences - Economics - 14.10.2020
Austerity’s impact on rural poverty has been overlooked
Researchers at Cardiff University, Queen Mary University of London, and University of Exeter have revealed the significant impact of austerity on rural areas. The findings, published in the Journal of Rural Studies , provide the most comprehensive account to date of how changes in spending power and service spending have affected rural communities in England and Wales.

Economics - Environment - 08.09.2020
Multinationals’ supply chains account for a fifth of global emissions
A fifth of carbon dioxide emissions come from multinational companies' global supply chains, according to a new study led by UCL and Tianjin University that shows the scope of multinationals' influence on climate change. The study, published , maps the emissions generated by multinationals' assets and suppliers abroad, finding that the flow of investment is typically from developed countries to developing ones - meaning that emissions are in effect outsourced to poorer parts of the world.

Economics - 07.07.2020
Report reveals the technology behind bank card gambling blockers works, but millions do not have access
The research, published today and led by the University of Bristol, highlighted although blockers could be effective, particularly when used in conjunction with other self-exclusion tools, they need to be improved to better protect people from gambling harm. The researchers, from the university's Personal Finance Research Centre (PFRC), are recommending all card blockers include a time-release lock of at least 48 hours.

Mathematics - Economics - 03.07.2020
New mathematical principle used to prevent AI from making unethical decisions
A new mathematical principle has been designed to combat AI bias towards making unethical and costly commercial choices. Researchers from the University of Warwick, Imperial College London, EPFL (Lausanne) and Sciteb Ltd have found a mathematical means of helping regulators and businesses manage artificial intelligence (AI) systems' biases towards making unethical, and potentially very costly and damaging, commercial choices.

Career - Economics - 03.07.2020
Unequal paths to recovery as economy reopens
Low-income workers are almost twice as likely to be laid-off or furloughed as high-income workers, according to a new UCL study examining income and consumption effects of Covid-19. The working paper, published by Puey Ungphakorn Institute for Economic Research , highlights that a significant proportion of those low-income workers - 70 percent from the bottom fifth of the income distribution - have struggled to afford living costs.

Economics - 25.06.2020
Resource curse or resource blessing: How major oil discoveries keep autocrats in power
Oil is the most effective natural resource when it comes to keeping despots in power, new research shows. Oil is a more useful resource for rulers looking to hold onto power than minerals such as copper, nickel or zinc but its' benefits are felt most strongly more than a decade after a discovery is made, according to new research led by the University of Sussex Business School.

Economics - 22.06.2020
Manufacturers must rethink global operations in face of COVID-19 - study
Manufacturers must redesign and reform their Global Supply Chains or Global Production Networks (GPN) if they want to survive and prosper in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, a new study reveals. The virus' impact demonstrates that global manufacturing concerns must switch from large production sites in a single location, such as China, to numerous smaller facilities around the world to reduce business risk.

Economics - Health - 02.06.2020
Slow easing of lockdowns may be better for global economy
A cautious approach to easing lockdown restrictions that reduces the risk of later lockdowns may be better for the global supply chain in the long run, according to a new modelling study led by UCL and Tsinghua University. The paper, published today in Nature Human Behaviour , is the first peer-reviewed study to comprehensively assess potential global supply chain effects of Covid-19 lockdowns, modelling the impact of lockdowns on 140 countries, including countries not directly affected by Covid-19.

Environment - Economics - 05.05.2020
Green policies essential for UK’s economic recovery
Green policies such as increasing use of renewable energy and investing in electric vehicles should be at the heart of Government recovery plans after the Covid-19 crisis, according to a briefing paper co-authored by Professor Paul Ekins (UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources). The document, put together by the COP26 Universities Network of which UCL is a member, draws on new research assessing the economic and climate impact of taking a green route out of the crisis.

Economics - 01.05.2020
Low income workers disproportionally affected by Covid-19
Low income workers in developing countries face a higher risk of income loss during the Covid-19 lockdown as it is less possible to conduct their jobs from home, suggests a new study from UCL, Bank of Thailand, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and GRIPS, Tokyo. The study, published in  Covid Economics: Vetted and Real-Time Papers , used Thailand as a case study but the findings are highly relevant for other countries with similar labour market structures - specifically, those with a large share of self-employment and low social safety net.

Health - Economics - 29.04.2020
Economic damage could be worse without lockdown and social distancing - study
The worst thing for the economy would be not acting at all to prevent disease spread, followed by too short a lockdown, according to research based on US data. Taking no action is unacceptable from public health perspective, and extremely risky from an economic perspective Giancarlo Corsetti There is much debate over the economic costs of our lockdown lives: whether the price of disease mitigation is worth the risk of an enduring financial crisis.

Economics - 21.04.2020
Women bear brunt of coronavirus economic shutdown in UK and US
New data shows women and people who did not go to university are more likely to have lost work and earnings since mid-March. Of all those still employed, 32% of people in the UK and 37% of people in the US believe they will lose their jobs in the next few months Christopher Rauh Women on both sides of the Atlantic are more likely to have lost their jobs or suffered a fall in earnings since the coronavirus pandemic took hold - even after accounting for differences in types of occupation, a new study suggests.