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Psychology - Social Sciences - 30.01.2025
Childhood trauma strongly linked to mental health problems in Brazilian adolescents
A UK-Brazil study links childhood trauma to psychiatric disorders in adolescents from lowand middle-income countries. A new study by a team of researchers from the UK and Brazil has revealed a strong connection between childhood trauma and the development of psychiatric disorders in adolescents living in low-and middle-income countries.

Life Sciences - Psychology - 24.01.2025
Genetic links with bipolar disorder identified
In the largest genome-wide study of bipolar disorder to date, an international team involving UCL researchers has identified 298 regions of the genome containing DNA variations that increase risk for the disorder. The research published in  Nature  heralds a more than four-fold increase over the number of genetic links previously identified.

Health - Psychology - 21.01.2025
People who are autistic and transgender/gender diverse have poorer health and health care
People who are autistic and transgender/gender diverse have poorer health and health care
Autistic transgender/gender diverse individuals are more likely to have long-term mental and physical health conditions, including alarmingly high rates of self-harm, new research from the University of Cambridge suggests.

Psychology - 20.01.2025
Bullying impacts teenage mental health
A major new study by experts from The University of Manchester has found that bullying has a significant negative impact on the mental health of teenagers - particularly for boys - and has highlighted the need for more effective prevention strategies in schools. The research, which utilised #BeeWell data from over 26000 young people who were followed from age 12/13 to 14/15, shows that bullying has a profound impact on mental health and is a major factor contributing to internalising symptoms such as anxiety and depression in adolescents.

Life Sciences - Psychology - 14.01.2025
Global study pinpoints genes for depression across ethnicities
New genetic risk factors for depression have been identified across all major global populations for the first time by a team co-led by UCL researchers, allowing scientists to predict risk of depression regardless of ethnicity. The world's largest and most diverse genetic study ever into major depression, published in Cell , has revealed nearly 300 previously unknown genetic links to the condition.

Social Sciences - Psychology - 06.01.2025
Risk of domestic abuse increases over time for those exposed to childhood maltreatment
Risk of domestic abuse increases over time for those exposed to childhood maltreatment
The risk of experiencing intimate partner violence may accumulate over time among people who experienced childhood maltreatment when they were younger, finds a new study led by UCL researchers. For the study, published in Molecular Psychiatry , researchers analysed data from 12,794 participants born in England and Wales from the Twins Early Development Study (TEDS).

Health - Psychology - 19.12.2024
New study calls for radical rethink of mental health support for adolescents
Young people have given important insights into what mental health support they prefer and what does not work for them or meet their needs, as part of a major new study of thousands of adolescents. The study, led by teams at the University of Oxford and University of Cambridge, found that adolescents access a variety of different types of support including informal (such as friends and family), semi-formal (like school-based support), and formal services (such as Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services).

Health - Psychology - 10.12.2024
Short-term cognitive boost from exercise may last for 24 hours
The short-term boost our brains get after we do exercise persists throughout the following day, suggests a new study led by UCL researchers. Previous research in a laboratory setting has shown that people's cognitive performance improves in the hours after exercise, but how long this benefit lasts is unknown.

Health - Psychology - 05.12.2024
Regularly posting on social media may worsen mental health in adults
Regularly posting on social media may worsen mental health in adults
Adults who frequently post on social media are at more risk of developing mental health problems than those who passively view social media content, finds a new study led by UCL researchers. The study, published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research, investigated how different types of social media use might affect the mental health of adults over time.

Economics - Psychology - 29.11.2024
Empathy with 'sad' bananas compels shoppers to reduce food waste, shows research
Empathy with ’sad’ bananas compels shoppers to reduce food waste, shows research
Labelling lone bananas as 'sad singles' tugs at shoppers' heartstrings and increases sales by 58 percent. Faced with a pile of loose, unsold single bananas, retailers can motivate customers to buy overlooked fruit by giving it emotional appeal, according to new research from the University of Bath's School of Management.

Psychology - 25.11.2024
Language used by mothers affects oxytocin levels of infants
Language used by mothers affects oxytocin levels of infants
Infants whose mothers regularly use language to describe what their child is thinking or feeling, have higher levels of the hormone oxytocin, finds a new study led by UCL researchers. Oxytocin, a hormone that is involved in a range of psychological processes, plays an important role in social relationships, such as the development of the bond between a parent and child, and the formation of trust, and social understanding, across the lifespan.

Life Sciences - Psychology - 21.11.2024
New study highlights how friendly social behaviours are contagious for chimpanzees
Researchers from our top-rated Psychology department have discovered that social bonding behaviours in chimpanzees, like grooming and play, can spread through groups much like contagious yawns or laughter in humans. Observing chimpanzees at Chimfunshi Wildlife Orphanage in Zambia, scientists found that individuals were more likely to start grooming or playing after seeing others engage in the same behaviour.

Psychology - Health - 21.11.2024
Poor mental health linked to browsing negative content online
Poor mental health linked to browsing negative content online
People with poorer mental health are more prone to browsing negative content online, which further exacerbates their symptoms, finds a study led by UCL researchers. The relationship between mental health and web-browsing is causal and bi-directional, according to the study published in Nature Human Behaviour .

Social Sciences - Psychology - 13.11.2024
Time alone heightens ’threat alert’ in teenagers - even when connecting on social media
Scientists say the findings might shed light on the link between loneliness and mental health conditions such as anxiety disorders, which are on the rise in young people. People in their late teens experience an increased sensitivity to threats after just a few hours left in a room on their own - an effect that endures even if they are interacting online with friends and family.

Health - Psychology - 15.10.2024
Severe mental illness increases risk of fragility fractures in over 50s
People over the age of 50 who have severe mental illness are more likely than the general population to experience fragility fractures but may be less likely to get a diagnosis for osteoporosis, finds a new study led by UCL researchers. Fragility fractures are broken bones that occur after a minor fall or impact that wouldn't usually cause a fracture.

Psychology - 20.09.2024
Food fussiness a largely genetic trait from toddlerhood to adolescence
Food fussiness a largely genetic trait from toddlerhood to adolescence
Fussy eating is mainly influenced by genes and is a stable trait lasting from toddlerhood to early adolescence, finds a new study led by researchers from UCL, King's College London and the University of Leeds. The study, published in the Journal of Child Psychology & Psychiatry and funded by the UK mental health charity MQ Mental Health Research, compared survey results of parents with identical or non-identical twins in England and Wales from the ages of 16 months to 13 years.

Psychology - Social Sciences - 09.09.2024
1 in 10 people with dementia experience suicidal thoughts
1 in 10 people with dementia experience suicidal thoughts
People with dementia are more likely to have suicidal thoughts but are not necessarily more likely to attempt or die by suicide than the general population, finds a new study led by UCL researchers. The study, published in Ageing Research Reviews , analysed 54 studies that investigated various aspects of mental health - including the prevalence and risk of suicide - in people with dementia, between 1991 and 2023.

Sport - Psychology - 03.09.2024
Can technology turn exercise pain into pleasure?
Can technology turn exercise pain into pleasure?
Most people who exercise using VR drop out when things gets too tough or dull - could programs that use sensors to tune into a person's emotional state help? Virtual reality (VR) video games that combine screen time with exercise are a great way to get fit, but game designers face a major challenge - like with regular exercise, adherence to 'exergames' is low, with most users dropping out once they start to feel uncomfortable or bored.

Psychology - Health - 23.08.2024
Just 10 minutes of mindfulness daily boosts wellbeing and fights depression
Just 10 minutes of mindfulness daily boosts wellbeing and fights depression
New research reveals how short bursts of daily mindfulness can boost wellbeing, combat depression and anxiety, and inspire healthier lifestyle choices. In a new study published in the British Journal of Health Psychology, researchers from the Universities of Bath and Southampton have unveiled how just 10 minutes of daily mindfulness practice can improve wellbeing, ease depression and anxiety, and help people to be more motivated to improve their lifestyle - including healthier exercise, eating and sleeping habits.

Health - Psychology - 21.08.2024
Inflammation during childhood linked to onset of mental health issues in early adulthood
Inflammation during childhood linked to onset of mental health issues in early adulthood
Children who experienced inflammation at a young age at higher risk of developing cardiometabolic diseases. Children who have persistently raised inflammation are at a higher risk of experiencing serious mental health disorders including psychosis and depression in early adulthood, according to a study published in JAMA Psychiatry.
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