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Philosophy - 22.09.2022
Ethics of humanitarian data need improving
Researchers at the University of Warwick and its partners have published a report. Data and Displacement: Assessing the Practical and Ethical Implications of Data-Driven Humanitarianism for Internally Displaced Persons in Camp-Like Settings reveals that, as new ways to collect data continue to grow, humanitarian actors need to improve ethical and operational data practices for internally displaced persons (IDPs).

Pharmacology - Philosophy - 17.02.2020
The ’nocebo’ effect: how informed consent can cause unnecessary harm in trials
Research published today in the  Journal of Medical Ethics  found that the way informed consent is currently taken causes unnecessary 'nocebo' harms. The requirement of informed consent means that it is an ethical requirement to warn patients about risks of taking part in clinical trials. But recent research shows that the way in which patients are told about these risks can actually cause harm.

Law - Philosophy - 05.11.2019
Lawyers asked to advise on unethical issues
Nearly half (45%) of in-house lawyers have been asked to advise on an action with debatable ethics, according to research by UCL. The research, published in a new report ' Which way is the wind blowing? Understanding the moral compass of in-house legal counsel' also found that 39% of in-house lawyers had been asked to advise on something which was potentially illegal.

Philosophy - 21.01.2019
Conforming to the beauty ideal to look younger, thinner, firmer and smoother becomes the norm - research finds
Beauty practices and standards are higher than ever with the pressure to achieve the 'perfect' body now becoming a moral imperative, suggests research published by the University of Birmingham. Professor Heather Widdows , University of Birmingham argues in her new book Perfect Me: Beauty as an Ethical Ideal , published by Princeton University Press, that beauty ideals are becoming shared ethical ideals by which we judge ourselves and others as 'good' or 'bad'.

Social Sciences - Philosophy - 26.07.2018
New research uncovers successes and failures of UK’s help for Syrian immigrants
Syrian refugees have higher levels of unemployment than UK citizens, are often overqualified for work they do find, and are being underserved by current British immigration policy despite their eagerness to contribute to society, new research reveals. A new report from a multidisciplinary research team at the University of Glasgow, supported by the Global Challenges Research Fund, offers unique insight into the lives of Syrian refugees based in the UK and how their experiences compare with refugees settled in Lebanon and Greece.

Life Sciences - Philosophy - 23.07.2018
Heritable genome editing could become "morally permissible"
An independent inquiry led by Nuffield Council on Bioethics, involving UCL, has concluded that editing the DNA of a human embryo, sperm, or egg to influence the characteristics of a future person ('heritable genome editing') could be "morally permissible". The technique of genome editing could be used to alter the DNA of a human embryo, before it is transferred to the womb.

Philosophy - Career - 12.07.2018
Bridging the divide: philosophy meets science
A unique three-year project to bridge the divide between science and philosophy - which embedded early-career philosophers into some of Cambridge's ground-breaking scientific research clusters - is the subject of a new film released today. Academics in the humanities as well as the sciences are beginning to appreciate some of the difficulties arising from the extreme degrees of specialisation - where we are losing the ability to talk to each other.

Philosophy - 05.12.2017
Migrant deaths are ’vastly under-reported’ according to new report
The majority of migrant deaths are unrecorded, according to a new report which calls for 'significant improvements' to be made in order to capture the true number of deaths which occur during migration worldwide. The report, the second part of Fatal Journeys Volume 3: Improving data on missing migrants from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and co-edited by University of Bristol academic Ann Singleton , comes just days after the US pulled out of the United Nations' global compact on migration.

Philosophy - 18.07.2017
Hearing a sound can alter perception of finger size
Hearing an ascending sound while pulling their own finger can make a person think their finger is longer than it is, finds a new study led by UCL and the Institute of Philosophy, School of Advanced Study, University of London. The study, published in Scientific Reports and funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), provides the first evidence that an artificial sound, unrelated to the sound of body movements, can alter how a person perceives their own body when the sound is arbitrarily paired with a bodily action.

Economics - Philosophy - 14.06.2017
â?'Purposeful leadersâ'' are winning hearts and minds in workplaces, study finds
â?‘Purposeful leadersâ’’ are winning hearts and minds in workplaces, study finds
â?'Purposeful leadersâ'' are winning hearts and minds in workplaces, study finds People are happier and more productive when their leaders show strong morals, a clear vision and commitment to stakeholders, a new study has found. The growing importance of what is being described as 'purposeful leadership' for the modern workplace is outlined today in a new report for the CIPD , the professional body for HR and people development.

Health - Philosophy - 05.04.2017
Public attitudes towards end-of-life care in progressive neurological illness are conflicted, study reveals
Public attitudes towards end-of-life care in progressive neurological illness are conflicted, study reveals
Public attitudes in UK and USA reveal support both for life-sustaining interventions and for measures to enable peaceful death in progressive neurological illness such as dementia, according to a survey carried out by researchers at the University of Cambridge. Debate surrounding assisted dying goes to the heart of clinical ethical principles Gemma Clarke The study found that one in six people believes that measures must be taken to sustain life at any cost even when a patient is in the final stages of an illness such as dementia.

Economics - Philosophy - 01.11.2016
Elephant poaching costs African economies US $25 million per year in lost tourism revenue
New research shows investing in elephant conservation is smart economic policy for many African countries. We know that within parks, tourism suffers when elephant poaching ramps up. This work provides a first estimate of the scale of that loss Andrew Balmford The current elephant poaching crisis costs African countries around USD $25 million annually in lost tourism revenue, according to a new study published .

Social Sciences - Philosophy - 05.10.2016
Being kind to others does make you ’slightly happier’
Researchers conclude that being kind to others causes a small but significant improvement in subjective well-being. The review found that the effect is lower than some pop-psychology articles have claimed, but also concluded that future research might help identify which kind acts are most effective at boosting happiness.

Philosophy - Economics - 19.11.2015
More or less ethical
The ethics of a person's negotiating tactics may differ according to the nationality of the other party to the negotiation, according to a new study. Business is increasingly global, so ethical concerns are becoming more important in terms of cross-national business and negotiations David De Cremer Do the ethics of a person's negotiating tactics differ when they negotiate with someone from a different country? A new study co-authored at University of Cambridge Judge Business School suggests that they do.

Philosophy - Economics - 20.08.2015
Collaboration may encourage corporate corruption
While the benefits of cooperation in human society are clear, new research from The University of Nottingham suggests it also has a dark side - one that encourages corrupt behaviour. "Collaborative settings, not just greed, can provide fertile ground for corruption, as typified by recent scandals in the football and banking worlds.

Philosophy - Pedagogy - 09.07.2015
Philosophy discussions for ten year olds can boost their reading and maths
Philosophy discussions for ten year olds can boost their reading and maths
We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. You can change your cookie settings at any time. Otherwise, we'll assume you're OK to continue. Philosophy discussions for ten year olds can boost their reading and maths Encouraging primary school pupils to have philosophical discussions can boost their maths and reading results, according to new research conducted by Durham University.

Philosophy - Economics - 05.06.2015
’Moral identity’ key to charitable time giving
Charities want your time and not just your money: new study identifies factors that lessen 'time aversion' in charitable giving. There is a strong connection between moral identity and the willingness to donate time Eric Levy Charities have long wrestled with the issue of persuading people to donate their time to worthy causes.

Philosophy - Economics - 18.11.2014
Most people would rather harm themselves than others for profit
Most people would rather harm themselves than others for profit
A UCL-led experiment on 80 pairs of adults found that people were willing to sacrifice on average twice as much money to spare a stranger pain than to spare themselves, despite the decision being secret. The study, conducted by researchers from UCL and Oxford University and funded by the Wellcome Trust, was the first to experimentally compare how much pain people were willing to anonymously inflict on themselves or strangers in exchange for money.

Philosophy - 23.06.2014
Understanding sexual ethics in school
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Philosophy - 24.04.2013
Discovering the gender of an unborn baby and giving him or her a name, may help fathers bond with their offspring
Dads who find out the sex of their unborn child and give him or her a name may find it easier to connect emotionally with their baby, a study conducted at the University of Birmingham has found. The report, entitled The Moral Habitus of Fatherhood: A Study of How Men Negotiate the Moral Demands of Becoming a Father, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, looked at men's experiences of, and feelings about, becoming a father and mapped their journeys from the discovery of the pregnancy to the early months of fatherhood.