news 2023
FGM identified as a leading cause of death in African countries
Same-sex behaviour is widespread and heritable in macaque monkeys
Reading for pleasure early in childhood linked to better cognitive performance and mental wellbeing in adolescence
Researchers chart large rise in eating disorders and self-harm amongst teenage girls
Social media usage linked to eating disorders in young people
Social Sciences
Results 21 - 40 of 58.
Health - Social Sciences - 17.08.2023

Female Genital Mutilation is causing thousands of unnecessary deaths every year - researchers are calling for extra effort to stop the practice. Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is a leading cause of death in the countries where it is practised, with over 44,000 additional women and young girls dying each year, a new study reveals.
Social Sciences - Health - 10.08.2023
Tackling loneliness requires a new approach which addresses societal inequalities
A review into loneliness inequalities conducted by some of the UK's leading scholars in the field has highlighted key social and societal factors that lead to loneliness inequalities. Significantly, this departure from viewing loneliness as an individual problem to be treated by interventions such as befriending services or behavioural therapy suggests that loneliness could be improved by policy changes that reduce inequalities.
Health - Social Sciences - 02.08.2023
The socioeconomic gap in behaviours that contribute to diseases is widening
New research shows increasing levels of inequality in risk factors that causes higher levels of health conditions such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Findings published in the BMC Public Health have shown an increasing divide across England - with those in lower socioeconomic positions (SEPs) recording more behaviours that put them at increased risk of diseases including cancer, diabetes, heart attacks and strokes.
Health - Social Sciences - 01.08.2023
Gypsy Traveller group faced a higher risk during the COVID-19 pandemic
New research shows, for the first time, a higher risk of COVID-19 hospitalisation or death for the White Gypsy/Traveller ethnic minority group New research shows, for the first time, a higher risk of COVID-19 hospitalisation or death for the White Gypsy/Traveller ethnic minority group. The research, which looked at over 4.3m people in Scotland, was led by the MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit at the University of Glasgow and published in the Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health.
Social Sciences - Career - 17.07.2023
Men ’less satisfied with life’ when their female partner is the only earner - new study
Analysis from Dr Helen Kowalewska and Dr Agnese Vitali looked at the link between breadwinner status and wellbeing in heterosexual couples. Men report lower wellbeing when women are the sole earner in a relationship, versus where both partners are employed or the man is the main breadwinner, according to a revealing new study.
Life Sciences - Social Sciences - 10.07.2023

Observations of a wild colony of macaques over three years show same-sex sexual behaviour among males is widespread and may be beneficial. The results, published today in Nature Ecology and Evolution , suggest same-sex sexual behaviour (SSB) has evolved and may be a common feature of primate reproduction.
Psychology - Social Sciences - 10.07.2023
In-person mindfulness courses help improve mental health for at least six months
Adults who voluntarily take part in mindfulness courses are less likely to experience symptoms of anxiety and depression for at least six months after completing the programmes, compared to adults who do not take part, a new analysis pooling data from 13 studies has confirmed. This study is the highest quality confirmation so far that the in-person mindfulness courses typically offered in the community do actually work for the average person.
Social Sciences - Sport - 03.07.2023
Report: Cricket inequalities in England and Wales are untenable
Writing in The Conversation, Dr Michael Collins (UCL History) shares the report he co-led which recommended ways to address the ongoing and historic racism, elitism and sexism prevalent in English and Welsh cricket. After more than two years of research, interviews and evidence gathering, a landmark report by the Independent Commission for Equity in Cricket (ICEC) was published on June 27 2023.
Social Sciences - Psychology - 29.06.2023
Adverse childhood experiences are ’strong predictor’ for adolescent cannabis use
A new study from psychiatric epidemiologist Dr Lindsey Hines calls for greater support to help young people avoid problematic drug use. Young people who are exposed to adverse childhood experiences between the ages of 0 - 12 years, including parental drug misuse, are at highest risk for developing problematic adolescent cannabis use as teenagers, according to a new study.
Psychology - Social Sciences - 27.06.2023

Children who begin reading for pleasure early in life tend to perform better at cognitive tests and have better mental health when they enter adolescence, a study of more than 10,000 young adolescents in the US has found.
Social Sciences - 22.06.2023
Ice Bucket Challenge increased charitable giving and volunteering
Around one million people donated money with hundreds of thousands volunteering for charitable causes as a result of the Ice Bucket Challenge, research has found. Academics from Cardiff University used data from Understanding Society , a large household survey representative of the United Kingdom (UK) population, to assess the impact the social media craze had on viewers.
Health - Social Sciences - 21.06.2023
Insights into young people’s mental health since pandemic
Scottish study reveals insights into young people's mental health since pandemic A national report, carried out every four years in collaboration with the World Health Organisation (WHO), presenting data on adolescent health and wellbeing has provided a special focus insight into young people's mental health in Scotland.
Health - Social Sciences - 21.06.2023

General practices have recorded a large rise in eating disorder diagnoses and self-harm episodes amongst teenage girls in the UK in the years since the COVID-19 pandemic, a research team has found. The study conducted jointly by The University of Manchester, Keele University, University of Exeter, and mental health research charity The McPin Foundation is published in the Lancet Child and Adolescent Health today (20/06/23).
Politics - Social Sciences - 04.05.2023
Are ethnic and religious minority voters key to election success?
New research led by experts from The University of Manchester , the University of St Andrews, the University of Essex and the University of Nottingham suggests that people from ethnic and religious minority groups are more likely to be interested in politics than White British people. Evidence for Equality National Survey (EVENS) is a major new survey of racism and ethnic inequalities carried out by the Centre on the Dynamics of Ethnicity (CoDE).
Social Sciences - 19.04.2023
Over a third of people from minority groups have experienced racist assaults, survey finds
More than a third of people from ethnic and religious minority groups in Britain have experienced some form of racist assault, according to new research led by experts from The University of Manchester, the University of St Andrews and King's College London. The Evidence for Equality National Survey (EVENS) is a major new survey of racism and ethnic inequalities carried out by the Centre on the Dynamics of Ethnicity (CoDE) , which reveals the extent of racism and racial discrimination experienced by people from ethnic and religious minority groups.
Politics - Social Sciences - 14.04.2023
Privately educated twice as likely to consistently vote Conservative
Those educated at private schools are twice as likely to be consistent Conservative voters in adulthood as those who had a state education, according to a new study involving UCL researchers. Published in the journal Sociology , the study uses data from a longitudinal study of almost 7,000 British people born in 1970.
Psychology - Social Sciences - 31.03.2023
Harsh discipline increases risk of children developing lasting mental health problems
Parents who frequently exercise harsh discipline with young children are putting them at significantly greater risk of developing lasting mental health problems, new evidence shows.
Health - Social Sciences - 30.03.2023
School closures may reduce COVID-19 transmission, but may also harm children’s education and wellbeing
Researchers at the University of Oxford have conducted a systematic overview of reviews to assess the impact of school closures during the COVID-19 pandemic. Findings showed that while school closures may reduce COVID-19 transmission, they were also associated with negative impacts on children's education, health, and wellbeing including increased anxiety, reduced learning, and increased obesity.
Health - Social Sciences - 29.03.2023

People aged between 10-24 who use social media sites may potentially be at risk of developing image concerns, eating disorders and poor mental health, suggests a new scoping review by UCL researchers. The study, published in PLOS Global Public Health , examined evidence from 50 studies in 17 countries and found that social media creates risks of social comparison and promotes the idea that it is vital to be thin or fit.
Psychology - Social Sciences - 23.03.2023
What’s your sound barrier? New study finds nearly one in five people in the UK find everyday sounds intolerable
Researchers from King's College London and University of Oxford have shown that 18.4 per cent of the general UK population report that certain sounds, such as loud chewing, and repetitive sniffing, cause a significant problem in their lives. The condition is known as misophonia. Misophonia is a strong negative reaction to common sounds, which are usually made by other people, and include breathing, yawning, or chewing.