news 2023



Results 61 - 80 of 82.

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 11.04.2023
New findings that map the universe's cosmic growth support Einstein's theory of gravity
New findings that map the universe’s cosmic growth support Einstein’s theory of gravity
A new image reveals the most detailed map of dark matter distributed across a quarter of the entire sky, reaching deep into the cosmos.

Physics - 03.04.2023
Double-slit experiment that proved the wave nature of light explored in time
Double-slit experiment that proved the wave nature of light explored in time
Imperial physicists have recreated the famous double-slit experiment, which showed light behaving as particles and a wave, in time rather than space. The experiment relies on materials that can change their optical properties in fractions of a second, which could be used in new technologies or to explore fundamental questions in physics.

Chemistry - Physics - 28.03.2023
Tiny materials have huge solar energy applications
Tiny materials one hundred thousand times smaller than the width of a strand of hair could be used to improve solar cell technology. A study published this month in Advanced Materials shows that materials as small as 1.2 nanometres across could function in solar cells, which harvest energy from the sun.

Physics - Chemistry - 14.03.2023
Nanorippled graphene becomes a catalyst
Nanorippled graphene becomes a catalyst
A team of researchers led by Prof. Andre Geim from the National Graphene Institute (NGI) have discovered that nanoripples in graphene can make it a strong catalyst, contrary to general expectations that the carbon sheet is as chemically inert as the bulk graphite from which it is obtained. Published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), the research has shown that graphene with nanoscale corrugations of its surface can accelerate hydrogen splitting as well as the best metallic-based catalysts.

Physics - Health - 13.03.2023
Laser-driven creation of high-energy ions boosts next-gen accelerators
A new way to create high-energy ions could speed up their applications in treating cancer and probing the fundamental nature of matter. The new technique, created by researchers at Imperial College London with collaborators in Japan and Germany, will help deliver beams of ions that could treat cancers with high doses of more targeted radiation.

Health - Physics - 02.03.2023
Edible electronics: how a seaweed second skin could transform health and fitness sensor tech
Scientists at the University of Sussex have successfully trialed new biodegradable health sensors that could change the way we experience personal healthcare and fitness monitoring technology. The team at Sussex have developed the new health sensors - such as those worn by runners or patients to monitor heart rate and temperature - using natural elements like rock salt, water and seaweed, combined with graphene.

Physics - 02.03.2023
Stick to your lane: hidden order in chaotic crowds
Stick to your lane: hidden order in chaotic crowds
Mathematical research brings new understanding of crowd formation and behaviour. Have you ever wondered how pedestrians -know- to fall into lanes when they are moving through a crowd, without the matter being discussed or even given conscious thought? A new theory developed by mathematicians at the University of Bath led by Professor Tim Rogers explains this phenomenon, and is able to predict when lanes will be curved as well as straight.

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 24.02.2023
Astronomers measure the heartbeat of spinning stars
Astronomers measure the heartbeat of spinning stars
An international team of scientist have used the MeerKAT radio telescope to observe the pulsing heartbeat of the universe as neutron stars are born and form swirling lightning storms which last for millions of years. Radio pulsars are spinning neutron stars from which we can observe flashes of radio waves in the manner of light pulses from a lighthouse.

Physics - Life Sciences - 22.02.2023
Animals' 'sixth sense' more widespread than previously thought
Animals’ ’sixth sense’ more widespread than previously thought
A study using fruit flies, led by researchers at The Universities of Manchester and Leicester, supported by the National Physical Laboratory, has suggested that the animal world's ability to sense a magnetic field may be more widespread than previously thought. The paper, published in Nature today (22/02/23) makes significant advances in our understanding of how animals sense and respond to magnetic fields in their environment.

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 15.02.2023
First evidence that black holes are the source of dark energy
First evidence that black holes are the source of dark energy
Observations of supermassive black holes at the centres of galaxies point to a likely source of dark energy - the 'missing' 70% of the Universe. The measurements from ancient and dormant galaxies show black holes growing more than expected, aligning with a phenomenon predicted in Einstein's theory of gravity.

Chemistry - Physics - 09.02.2023
Graphene aerogel particles for efficient water purification
Writing in the Journal of Molecular Liquids , a team led by Professor Aravind Vijayaraghavan based in the National Graphene Institute (NGI) have produced 3-dimensional particles made of graphene, of many interesting shapes, using a variation of the vortex ring effect. The same effect is used to produce smoke rings and is responsible for keeping dandelion seeds flying.

Chemistry - Physics - 06.02.2023
AI lights the way for futuristic electronics – from bendy TVs to lightweight solar cells
AI lights the way for futuristic electronics - from bendy TVs to lightweight solar cells Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming modern electronics - accelerating the design of bendable TV screens, ultra-lightweight revolutionised solar cells and more. In a study published in Nature today, scientists used a type of AI algorithm to create new molecules, suited for electronics that could come straight from a sci-fi movie.

Physics - 03.02.2023
Attitudes towards green energy affected by fracking debate
Public attitudes towards some new low-carbon technologies could be negatively influenced by the fracking debate, new research from Cardiff University suggests. A team from the University's School of Psychology found that acceptance of deep geothermal energy - technology to harness the heat beneath the Earth's crust - was affected by the backdrop of controversy and opposition towards fracking for oil and gas.

Physics - Chemistry - 02.02.2023
New form of ice is like a snapshot of liquid water
New form of ice is like a snapshot of liquid water
A collaboration between scientists at Cambridge and UCL has led to the discovery of a new form of ice that more closely resembles liquid water than any other and may hold the key to understanding this most famous of liquids. Our discovery of MDA raises many questions on the very nature of liquid water and so understanding MDA-s precise atomic structure is very important Michael Davies The new form of ice is amorphous.

Physics - 02.02.2023
Researchers devise a new path toward ’quantum light’
Researchers have theorised a new mechanism to generate high-energy -quantum light-, which could be used to investigate new properties of matter at the atomic scale. The researchers, from the University of Cambridge, along with colleagues from the US, Israel and Austria, developed a theory describing a new state of light, which has controllable quantum properties over a broad range of frequencies, up as high as X-ray frequencies.

Physics - Chemistry - 02.02.2023
Discovery of new ice may change understanding of water
Discovery of new ice may change understanding of water
Researchers at UCL and the University of Cambridge have discovered a new type of ice that more closely resembles liquid water than any other known ices and that may rewrite our understanding of water and its many anomalies. The newly discovered ice is amorphous - that is, its molecules are in a disorganised form, not neatly ordered as they are in ordinary, crystalline ice.

Physics - 01.02.2023
The world’s most intense high-energy neutrino beam measures the ’unmeasurable’ proton for the first time
Once deemed -unmeasurable- protons have been measured using a high-energy neutrino beam. The first statistically significant study to measure the size of protons using neutrinos is published today, after years of data-gathering · The proton radius seen by the neutrinos is 0.73 femtometres - a quadrillionth of one metre · Measurements were made by firing high-energy neutrino beams at protons for a decade in the Main INjector ExpeRiment for v-A (MINERvA) experiment, at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab), Illinois, USA Protons have puzzled scientists for decades.

Life Sciences - Physics - 25.01.2023
Long-term memory in 2D nanofluidic channels
Published in Science , a collaboration between teams from the National Graphene Institute (NGI) at The University of Manchester , and the É cole Normale Sup é rieure (ENS), Paris, demonstrated the Hebbian learning in artificial nanochannels, where the channels showed short and long term memory. Hebbian learning is a technical term introduced in 1949 by Donald Hebb, describing the process of learning by repetitively doing an action.

Physics - Chemistry - 24.01.2023
Scientists open new window on the physics of glass formation
Research from an international team of scientists has cast new light on the physics of vitrification - the process by which glass forms. Their findings, which centre on analysis of a common feature of glasses called the boson peak, could help pave the way for new developments in materials science. The peak can be observed in glass when special equipment is used to study the vibrations of its constituent atoms, where it spikes in the terahertz range.

Physics - Innovation - 20.01.2023
Method to preserve entanglement could enable new quantum tech
An international team of researchers has developed a new method of overcoming a key challenge for the development of future quantum tech. In a new paper published in the journal Physical Review X Quantum, the researchers describe how they may have solved a key problem for quantum technologies by keeping particles entangled in previously impossible conditions.