news 2023
Materials Science
Results 1 - 18 of 18.
Chemistry - Materials Science - 19.12.2023
Scientists tackle difficult-to-recycle thermoset polymers
Scientists have discovered how to make thermosets like gels, rubbers and elastomers so they can be degraded and be re-formed without loss of function. Published on Tuesday 19 December 2023 Last updated on Thursday 21 December 2023 A team of UK scientists has got a step closer to making several different types of plastic much easier to recycle, using a method that could be applied to a whole range of difficult-to-recycle polymers, including rubbers, gels and adhesives.
Materials Science - Chemistry - 12.12.2023
Vast amounts of waste caused by single-use e-cigarette batteries
While the lithium-ion batteries in disposable electronic cigarettes are discarded after a single use, they can continue to perform at high capacity for hundreds of cycles, according to new research from UCL and the University of Oxford, supported by The Faraday Institution. The study, published in Joule , highlights a growing environmental threat from these increasingly popular vape pens, which are not designed to be recharged.
Materials Science - Chemistry - 08.12.2023
Vast amounts of waste are caused by single-use e-cigarette batteries
While the lithium-ion batteries in disposable electronic cigarettes are discarded after a single use, they can continue to perform at high capacity for hundreds of cycles, according to new research from the University of Oxford and UCL, supported by The Faraday Institution. The study, published today in Joule , highlights a growing environmental threat from these increasingly popular vape pens, which are not designed to be recharged.
Materials Science - Innovation - 30.10.2023
Using lasers to ’heat and beat’ 3D-printed steel could help reduce costs
Researchers have developed a new method for 3D printing metal that could help reduce costs and make more efficient use of resources. This method could help reduce the costs of metal 3D printing, which could in turn improve the sustainability of the metal manufacturing industry Matteo Seita The method, developed by a research team led by the University of Cambridge, allows structural modifications to be 'programmed' into metal alloys during 3D printing, fine-tuning their properties without the 'heating and beating' process that's been in use for thousands of years.
Materials Science - 03.10.2023
Fabien introduces innovative approach to Digital Volume Correlation
Revolutionising Material Analysis: Sub-Volume Adaptive Meshing in Global Digital Volume Correlation Materials science is an exciting and constantly evolving study of the properties and behaviour of different materials. Digital Volume Correlation (DVC) is a crucial technique in this field, enabling researchers to accurately track changes and analyse complex structural deformations.
Materials Science - Chemistry - 19.09.2023
One-atom-thick ribbons could improve batteries, solar cells and sensors
Researchers at UCL have created one-atom-thick ribbons made of phosphorus alloyed with arsenic that could dramatically improve the efficiency of devices such as batteries, supercapacitors and solar cells. The research team discovered phosphorus nanoribbons in 2019. The "wonder material", predicted to revolutionise devices ranging from batteries to biomedical sensors, has since been used to increase lithium-ion battery lifetimes and solar cell efficiencies.
Materials Science - Computer Science - 01.09.2023
Global digital volume correlation of large volumes: a sub-volume adaptive meshing approach
Digital Volume Correlation (DVC) is a powerful image analysis technique used in the field of materials science and engineering to study the mechanical behaviour and deformation of complex 3D structures. By comparing voxel intensities in a pair of 3D digital images captured at different states of loading or deformation, DVC allows researchers to track and quantify displacements, strains, and other mechanical properties with high precision and non-invasively.
Physics - Materials Science - 20.07.2023
Scientists caught Hofstadter’s butterfly in one of the most ancient materials on Earth
Researchers in the National Graphene Institute (NGI) at The University of Manchester have revisited one of the most ancient materials on Earth - graphite, and discovered new physics that has eluded the field for decades. Despite being made entirely of layers of carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb pattern, natural graphite is not as simple as one may think.
Materials Science - Chemistry - 19.07.2023
Oxygen ’holes’ could hold the key to higher performing EV batteries
Scientists have made a breakthrough in understanding and overcoming the challenges associated with nickel-rich materials used in lithium-ion batteries. This will enhance the stability and longevity of these lithium-ion batteries, paving the way for more efficient and reliable energy storage systems Annalena Genreith-Schriever Nickel is already used in lithium-ion batteries, but increasing the proportion of nickel could significantly improve battery energy density, making them especially suitable for electric vehicles and grid-scale storage.
Materials Science - Chemistry - 19.07.2023
Current thinking on batteries overturned by cathode oxidation research
Nickel-rich cathode materials are used in lithium-ion batteries, but their practical applications have been limited. Scientists have made a significant breakthrough in understanding and overcoming the challenges associated with Ni-rich cathode materials used in lithium-ion batteries. These materials have the potential to achieve both high voltages and capacities, but their practical applications have been hindered by structural instabilities and loss of oxygen.
Physics - Materials Science - 26.06.2023
Experiments reveal water can ’talk’ to electrons in graphene
For the last 20 years, scientists have been puzzled by how water behaves near carbon surfaces. It may flow much faster than expected from conventional flow theories or form strange arrangements such as square ice.
Materials Science - Innovation - 23.06.2023
New type of computer memory could greatly reduce energy use and improve performance
Researchers have developed a new design for computer memory that could both greatly improve performance and reduce the energy demands of internet and communications technologies, which are predicted to consume nearly a third of global electricity within the next ten years. These materials can work like a synapse in the brain: they can store and process information in the same place, like our brains can Markus Hellenbrand The researchers, led by the University of Cambridge, developed a device that processes data in a similar way as the synapses in the human brain.
Materials Science - Chemistry - 08.06.2023
University of Glasgow contributes to ’game-changing’ new study on electric batteries
A researcher from the James Watt School of Engineering is a co-author of a new study which could significantly improve future generations of electric vehicle (EV) batteries. Dr Guanchen Li contributed to the research, which is led by the University of Oxford and published in Nature . Using advanced imaging techniques, the researchers revealed mechanisms which cause lithium metal solid-state batteries (Li-SSBs) to fail.
Materials Science - Transport - 07.06.2023
New study could help unlock ’game-changing’ batteries for electric vehicles and aviation
Significantly improved electric vehicle (EV) batteries could be a step closer thanks to a new study led by University of Oxford researchers, published today in Nature . Using advanced imaging techniques, this revealed mechanisms which cause lithium metal solid-state batteries (Li-SSBs) to fail. If these can be overcome, solid-state batteries using lithium metal anodes could deliver a step-change improvement in EV battery range, safety and performance, and help advance electrically powered aviation.
Innovation - Materials Science - 19.05.2023
A University spin-out fuelling the battery revolution in the UK
For the first time in the UK, scientists have been able to recover commercial grade lithium carbonate and graphite from black mass; a solid black powder containing a complex mixture of metals and impurities recovered from recycling end-of-life lithium-ion batteries. The UK-first is a major step forward for sustainability in battery technology.
Physics - Materials Science - 10.05.2023
Sustainable solar cell material shown to be highly promising for medical imaging
Using X-rays to see inside the human body has revolutionised non-invasive medical diagnostics. However, the dose of X-rays required for imaging is far higher than background levels, due to the poor performance of the detector materials currently available. This can cause harm to patients, and in some cases even cancer.
Materials Science - Physics - 19.04.2023
Intelligent membranes with memories make next-generation smart filters
Researchers from the National Graphene Institute (NGI) have made 'intelligent' membranes whose 'memory' can be used in areas like smart separation technology, wound management, drug delivery, sensors and memory devices. "The history of membrane development spans more than 100 years and has led to a revolution in industrial separation processes," says Professor Rahul Raveendran Nair , Carlsberg/Royal Academy of Engineering Research Chair and study team leader.
Materials Science - 13.03.2023
Are piezoelectrics good for generating electricity? Perhaps, but we must decide how to evaluate them
A -best practice- protocol for researchers developing piezoelectric materials has been developed by scientists - a first in this field of technology. A -best practice- protocol for researchers developing piezoelectric materials has been developed by scientists - a first in this cutting-edge field of technology.