news 2021



Results 21 - 40 of 557.

Health - Life Sciences - 15.12.2021
Researchers first to predict when bacteria may become resistant to antibiotics
Researchers first to predict when bacteria may become resistant to antibiotics
Scientists have spotted signs of 'pre-resistance' in bacteria for the first time - signs that particular bacteria are likely to become resistant to antibiotics in the future - in a new study led by UCL and Great Ormond Street Hospital researchers.

Health - Pharmacology - 15.12.2021
New insights into impact of immune-suppressing treatments on COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness
Treatments used to help people with multiple sclerosis (MS) manage their condition can reduce the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines, according to a new study led by Cardiff University. Disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) are a group of treatments that suppress the body's immune system and are used by people with MS and other conditions such as cancer and rheumatoid disease.

Health - 14.12.2021
Lab-grown 'mini-stomachs' could shed light on COVID symptoms in children
Lab-grown ’mini-stomachs’ could shed light on COVID symptoms in children
A "lab-grown model" of the human stomach that can be used to study how infections impact the gastrointestinal system, has been developed for the first time by a UCL-led team of international scientists. The team from Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH), UCL Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health (UCL GOS ICH) and the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie (Legnaro, Italy), have built on recent advances to grow 'mini-organs' in a laboratory, known as organoids.

Health - Life Sciences - 13.12.2021
Protein test could lead to earlier and better diagnosis of Parkinson's
Protein test could lead to earlier and better diagnosis of Parkinson’s
Scientists at the Oxford Parkinson's Disease Centre (OPDC) have been able to use a highly-sensitive method called -synuclein real-time quaking-induced conversion (?Syn-RT-QuIC) to observe the clumping of alpha-synuclein in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) taken from people with Parkinson's. The findings offer hope that a pioneering new clinical test could be developed to diagnose Parkinson's correctly in its early stages.

Pharmacology - Health - 13.12.2021
New resistance-busting antibiotic combination could extend the use of ’last-resort’ antibiotics
Scientists have discovered a new potential treatment that has the ability to reverse antibiotic resistance in bacteria that cause conditions such as sepsis, pneumonia, and urinary tract infections. Carbapenems, such as meropenem, are a group of vital often 'last-resort' antibiotics used to treat serious, multi-drug resistant infections when other antibiotics, such as penicillin, have failed.

Health - 13.12.2021
New health economic framework to help assess what might be required to eliminate African sleeping sickness by 2030
· To successfully eliminate a disease, global-health decision makers have to establish if current tools are sufficient to achieve elimination, however they must also consider whether investment in elimination is a good use of limited resources · Mathematical and health economic modelling can be used to predict which intervention strategies have a high probability of successfully eliminating a disease as well as how much this would be expected to cost.

Health - Psychology - 12.12.2021
’ugly truth’ faced by doctors responding to Covid-19 on the frontline
A new study from Bath's Jo Daniels and Sophie Harris captures the scale of the challenge faced by healthcare professionals responding to the pandemic. Frontline healthcare workers say they are angry at being treated as -Covid cannon fodder, not Covid heroes- after responding to the virus for nearly two years and working at full capacity, reveal the findings of new research.

Health - 11.12.2021
Impact of long Covid on ethnic minority healthcare workers investigated
Impact of long Covid on ethnic minority healthcare workers investigated
UCL academics will play a key role in a new three-year study investigating the long-term health impact of Covid-19 on NHS healthcare workers from diverse ethnic backgrounds and roles. Launched by the NHS Race and Health Observatory the 'REACH-OUT' study, builds on 'UK-REACH' (United Kingdom Research study into Ethnicity And COVID-19 outcomes in Healthcare workers), which is led by the University of Leicester in collaboration with UCL, University of Nottingham, national stakeholders and front-line healthcare workers.

Health - Pharmacology - 10.12.2021
Prior SARS-CoV-2 infection increases strength and quality of immune response in double vaccinated care home staff and residents, reveals study
Elderly care home residents who have previously contracted and survived COVID-19 develop much stronger and higher antibody and cellular immune responses to two doses of vaccination than those without prior natural infection, finds new research led by the University of Birmingham.

Health - Life Sciences - 09.12.2021
Are scientists homing in on a cure for Parkinson's disease?
Are scientists homing in on a cure for Parkinson’s disease?
Researchers optimise a peptide known to prevent the protein error that gives rise to Parkinson's disease. A molecule that shows promise in preventing Parkinson's disease has been refined by scientists at the University of Bath and has the potential to be developed into a drug to treat the incurable neurodegenerative disease.

Health - Psychology - 09.12.2021
Significant barriers in shift to remote mental health services during pandemic
Significant barriers in shift to remote mental health services during pandemic
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many mental health care service users were able to continue accessing some support by phone and video call (remote care), but the shift to remote care presented significant barriers to certain groups, finds a review co-led by UCL researchers. The authors of the systematic review are calling for further examination into the effects of telemental health on groups at risk of digital exclusion and for better evidence on long-term impacts.

Health - Pharmacology - 08.12.2021
Key surveys overestimate COVID-19 vaccination rates in the USA
Estimates of COVID-19 vaccine uptake in the USA based on large surveys that are used to guide policy-making decisions tend to overestimate the number of vaccinated individuals, research published in Nature suggests. In the USA, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) compiles data on national vaccine uptake, but reporting can sometimes be delayed.

Health - Pharmacology - 07.12.2021
Missed diagnosis of fungal infections in treated TB patients, with global implications
A study of tuberculosis patients in six Jakarta hospitals has revealed up to 13 per cent of them had fungal lung infection - or aspergillosis - at the end of their treatment. The findings could, warn the research team from Universitas Indonesia and The University of Manchester , have implications globally, wherever TB is found.

Health - Psychology - 03.12.2021
Whether people inform themselves or remain ignorant is due to three factors
Whether people inform themselves or remain ignorant is due to three factors
People choose whether to seek or avoid information about their health, finances and personal traits based on how they think it will make them feel, how useful it is, and if it relates to things they think about often, finds a new study by UCL researchers.

Pharmacology - Health - 03.12.2021
University of Birmingham in COVID-19 booster vaccines clinical trial
Six COVID-19 vaccines are safe and boost immunity for people who have had two doses of Pfizer/BioNTech or Oxford/AstraZeneca, show results from a UK-wide trial carried out in collaboration with the University of Birmingham. The latest results from the world-first study COV-BOOST are published in The Lancet and have been key in shaping the UK booster programme, providing vital evidence for global vaccination efforts.

Life Sciences - Health - 02.12.2021
New Oxford-GSK Institute to harness advanced technology and unravel mechanisms of disease
New Oxford-GSK Institute to harness advanced technology and unravel mechanisms of disease
GlaxoSmithKline plc and the University of Oxford today announced a major five-year collaboration to establish the Oxford-GSK Institute of Molecular and Computational Medicine. The new Institute, which will be based at the University of Oxford, aims to improve the success and speed of research and development of new medicines, building on insights from human genetics and using advanced technologies such as functional genomics and machine learning.

Health - 02.12.2021
Interactive tool helps people decide how best to protect themselves and others from COVID-19
Interactive tool helps people decide how best to protect themselves and others from COVID-19
Is it risky to sing in a choir? What are the risks of eating in a small restaurant? How much difference does it make to open windows or clean surfaces? New interactive tool helps people make decisions on COVID-19.

Health - Pharmacology - 02.12.2021
COVID-19 Delta variant may have increased ability to evade vaccine-induced immunity
Vaccines are effective in decreasing hospitalization and deaths from COVID-19 infection but the emergence of viral variants of concern may diminish their efficacy, according to a new study. The study - published today in PLOS Pathogens, by Emma Thomson, Brian Willett, and colleagues at the MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research - suggests that COVID-19 Delta variant may be more successful at evading the protective response of vaccines.

Health - Pharmacology - 02.12.2021
Scientists may have solved an important part of the mystery of ultra-rare blood clots linked to adenovirus COVID-19 vaccines
Scientists may have solved an important part of the mystery of ultra-rare blood clots linked to adenovirus COVID-19 vaccines
An international team of scientists believe they may have found a molecular mechanism behind the extremely rare blood clots linked to adenovirus COVID-19 vaccines. Scientists from Cardiff University and Arizona State University worked with AstraZeneca to investigate vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT), also known as thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS), a life-threatening condition seen in a very small number of people after receiving the Oxford-AstraZeneca or Johnson & Johnson vaccines.

Health - 01.12.2021
Interactive tool helps you decide how to protect yourself and others from COVID-19
Interactive tool helps you decide how to protect yourself and others from COVID-19
Is it risky to sing in a choir? What are the risks of eating in a small restaurant? How much difference does it make to open windows or clean surfaces? New interactive tool helps people make decisions on COVID-19.