news 2021



Results 1 - 3 of 3.

Administration - Economics - 22.09.2021
Savers with individual personal pensions are losing out due to lack of regulation
Savers with individual personal pensions are losing out due to lack of regulation
People with an individual personal pension could retire with as little as half the value of a comparable group pension fund facilitated by an employer Last updated on Wednesday 22 September 2021 The absence of a third party protecting the interests of individual personal pensions means they perform worse than group personal pensions (GPP), according to new research from the University of Bath's School of Management.

Administration - 02.06.2021
UofG researchers spotlight big tech platform regulation in the UK
With much of our time spent on online platforms, which are increasingly influential in people's daily lives, how they are regulated is becoming a vitally important issue. Now high-profile research conducted as part of the Arts & Humanities Research Council Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre (PEC) and published today has analysed how eight government and parliamentary reports and inquiries over an 18-month period have highlighted and set the agenda for platform regulation.

Administration - 12.02.2021
Four fifths of police officers believe character and virtues is central to policing says new study by the University of Birmingham
Four fifths of police officers believe character and virtues is central to policing says new study by the University of Birmingham
Polling carried out in January 2021 by Portland Communications on behalf of the University of Birmingham has found that nearly four fifths (79%) of police officers in the UK believe that character and virtues is a central part of police training, in order to carry out their duties. The survey which was commissioned by the Jubilee Centre for Character and virtues also concluded that 76% of those interviewed agreed that the Covid-19 pandemic has made policing more complicated and challenging.