news 2020
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Linguistics / Literature - 11.08.2020
Get smart about your summer revision
Discover some of the best strategies for successful revision in this article by English Literature student Evie Robinson, who shares her top tips for acing late summer exam season. Exam seasons can be super stressful, and it's very easy to feel overwhelmed - but there are plenty of things you can do to make this mountain far easier to climb.
Linguistics / Literature - 18.05.2020
Secrets of famous French painter revealed
The mystery behind a painting by a renowned French post-impressionist may have been revealed by new research that has unearthed secrets from his past. Research by our School of Modern Languages and Cultures has given us a new understanding of Pierre Bonnard's relationship with his wife and model Marthe Bonnard, and explains some of the negative stories about her after her death.
Linguistics / Literature - 15.05.2020
My five steps to revision success
Discover some of the best strategies for successful revision in this article by English Literature student Evie Robinson, who shares her top tips for acing exam season here. It's that time of year again. Exam seasons can be super stressful - especially this one! - and it's very easy to feel overwhelmed but there are plenty of things you can do to make this mountain far easier to climb.