news 2020



Results 161 - 165 of 165.

Environment - Earth Sciences - 09.01.2020
Scientists use ancient marine fossils to unravel long-standing climate puzzle
During this period, known as the middle Miocene Climate Optimum, global temperatures were as much as 3 to 4 degrees warmer than today's average temperatures, similar to estimates for 2100. The position of the continents were similar to today and the seas were flourishing with life. This period, which occurred between 15 and 17 million years ago, has puzzled geologists for decades as they have tried to explain the initial cause of the global warming and the environmental conditions that existed on Earth afterwards.

Environment - 08.01.2020
Sea-ice-free Arctic makes permafrost vulnerable to thawing
New research led by scientists at the University of Oxford's Department of Earth Sciences, and at the Geological Survey of Israel, provides evidence from Siberian caves suggesting that summer sea ice in the Arctic Ocean plays an essential role in stabilising permafrost and its large store of carbon.

Life Sciences - Environment - 06.01.2020
Protecting two key regions in Belize could save threatened jaguar, say scientists
Scientists studying one of the largest populations of jaguars in Central Belize have identified several wildlife corridors that should be protected to help the species survival. The study, led by the University of Bristol and the American Museum of Natural History and published in BMC Genetics, provide a new insight into where conservation efforts should be concentrated.

Environment - 06.01.2020
Carbon dioxide levels influenced by winds around Antarctica
Ancient fossil coral skeletons in the Drake Passage reveal that wind conditions influence ocean circulation and carbon dioxide release into the atmosphere, according to an international team involving UCL researchers. The discovery suggests that future climate change could lead to increases in the release of carbon dioxide (CO2) from deep waters of the Southern Ocean into the atmosphere.

Life Sciences - Environment - 01.01.2020
6 ways Imperial can help you achieve your New Year’s resolutions
We look back at the past year to see how Imperial's researchers could provide inspiration and help with your 2020 New Year's resolutions. Need some help starting 2020 on the right foot? This research might offer some inspiration. Eat healthier DnaNudge , the world's first DNA-Based service for healthier food choices, opened its flagship store in Covent Garden in November.