news 2014
Historians become scientists to reveal the real reason for a decline in violent crime
Cod bones reveal 13th Century origin of global fish trade
Arterial disease associated with modern day living is found in 3,000 year old skeletons
Natural selection has altered the appearance of Europeans over the past 5,000 years
Starchy food led to rotten teeth in ancient hunter-gatherers
Results 1 - 17 of 17.
Life Sciences - History / Archeology - 02.12.2014
Richard III - case closed after 529 years
DNA and genealogical study confirms identity of remains found in Leicester and uncovers new truths about his appearance and Plantagenet lineage. Although the false paternity means we cannot look forward in time, we can trace King Richard's Y lineage back into prehistory Peter Forster An international research team has provides overwhelming evidence that the skeleton discovered under a car park in Leicester indeed represents the remains of King Richard III - closing what is probably the oldest forensic case solved to date.
History / Archeology - Earth Sciences - 10.10.2014
Greek Bronze Age ended 100 years earlier than thought, new evidence suggests
Conventional estimates for the collapse of the Aegean civilization may be incorrect by up to a century, according to new radiocarbon analyses. While historical chronologies traditionally place the end of the Greek Bronze Age at around 1025 BCE, this latest research suggests a date 70 to 100 years earlier.
Environment - History / Archeology - 23.09.2014
They weren’t wimps: how modern humans, like Neanderthals, braved the northern cold
Recent finds at Willendorf in Austria reveal that modern humans were living in cool steppe-like conditions some 43,500 years ago - and that their presence overlapped with that of Neanderthals for far longer than we thought. The remarkably early date of the finds shows that modern humans and Neanderthals overlapped for much longer than we thought and that modern humans coped well with a variety of climates.
History / Archeology - 12.09.2014
Analysis of centuries-old skeletons ‘inconclusive’
We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. You can change your cookie settings at any time. Otherwise, we'll assume you're OK to continue. Analysis of centuries-old skeletons 'inconclusive' Further tests are to be carried out on skeletons recovered from a centuries-old mass grave in Durham City.
History / Archeology - Life Sciences - 30.07.2014
Prehistoric dairy farming at the extremes
Press release issued: 30 July 2014 Finland's love of milk has been traced back to 2500 BC thanks to high-tech techniques to analyse residues preserved in fragments of ancient pots. The Finns are the world's biggest milk drinkers today but experts had previously been unable to establish whether prehistoric dairy farming was possible in the harsh environment that far north, where there is snow for up to four months a year.
History / Archeology - 23.07.2014
Drawings and journals from the discovery of Tutankhamun on show for the first time
Documents from Oxford University's Griffith Institute which shed light on the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb have gone on display to the public, many for the first time in their history. The items, including paintings, journals, maps and photographs, are part of the Ashmolean Museum's summer exhibition, Discovering Tutankhamun , which opens today (24 July).
History / Archeology - 01.07.2014
Global criminal trafficking network for ancient art
Trafficking Culture Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research Simon Mackenzie Tess Davis In the first ever empirical study of a statue trafficking network, researchers at the University of Glasgow have unveiled the structure of the network of criminals needed to illegally traffic antiquities from ancient archaeological sites to museums and collections around the world.
Health - History / Archeology - 20.06.2014
6200-year-old parasite egg may be first proof of early human technology spreading disease
Latest research shows that schistosomiasis, a disease caused by flatworm parasites, may have been spread by earliest crop irrigation in ancient Mesopotamia, suggesting early technology exacerbated disease burden.
History / Archeology - 20.06.2014
Hidden treasures of ancient Ur uncovered in Bristol
Press release issued: 20 June 2014 An enigmatic box from a bygone era, filled with pottery, seeds and animal bones, has been discovered in the University of Bristol's Department of Archaeology and Anthropology. The box was found while researchers were emptying current laboratory spaces in preparation for the installation of a new state-of-the-art radiocarbon dating facility.
History / Archeology - Social Sciences - 16.06.2014

Historians become scientists to reveal the real reason for a decline in violent crime A scientific analysis of 20 million words recorded during 150 years of criminal trials at London's Old Bailey reveals how changes in culture rather than law helped to reduce violent crime, according to a co-authored University of Sussex study published today (16 June 2014).
History / Archeology - 28.05.2014
Cod bones reveal 13th Century origin of London’s global fish trade
Researchers have uncovered the medieval tipping-point when local fishing could no longer support the demands of the burgeoning metropolis, and catches started to come in from as far away as Arctic Norway. Growing trade connections were making the world a smaller place in the century before the spread of the Black Death James Barrett London's international fish trade can be traced back 800 years to the medieval period, according to new research published today in the journal Antiquity .
History / Archeology - 28.05.2014

London's international fish trade can be traced back 800 years to the medieval period, according to new research published today in the journal Antiquity . The research, led by archaeologists from UCL, Cambridge and UCLan, provides new insight into the medieval fish trade and the globalisation of London's food supply.
History / Archeology - Event - 23.04.2014
Ireland’s Troy?
As Ireland marks the millennium of the Battle of Clontarf - portrayed as a heroic encounter between Irish and Vikings which defined the nation's identity - new research argues that our main source for what happened may be more literary history than historical fact. This was more than a literary flourish, it was a work of a superb, sophisticated and learned author Máire Ní Mhaonaigh The standard account of the Battle of Clontarf - a defining moment in Irish history which happened 1,000 years ago this week - was partly a "pseudo-history" borrowed from the tale of Troy, new research suggests.
Health - History / Archeology - 07.04.2014

We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. You can change your cookie settings at any time. Otherwise, we'll assume you're OK to continue. Arterial disease associated with modern day living is found in 3,000 year old skeletons The first-ever skeletons with atherosclerosis, or clogged up arteries, have been found by archaeologists, according to new research.
Life Sciences - History / Archeology - 11.03.2014

Ancient DNA from archaeological skeletons shows that Europeans had darker skin, hair, and eye pigmentation 5,000 years ago. Anthropologists at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) and geneticists at UCL, working in collaboration with archaeologists from Berlin and Kiev, have analyzed ancient DNA from skeletons and found that selection has had a significant effect on the human genome even in the past 5,000 years, resulting in sustained changes to the appearance of people.
Earth Sciences - History / Archeology - 07.02.2014
Queen Mary helps find Europe’s oldest footprints
The earliest human footprints outside of Africa have been uncovered, on the English coast, by a team of scientists led by Queen Mary University of London, the British Museum and the Natural History Museum. Up to five people left the series of footprints in mud on the bank of an ancient river estuary over 800,000 years ago at Happisburgh in northeast Norfolk.
History / Archeology - 07.01.2014

A diet rich in starchy foods may have led to high rates of tooth decay in ancient hunter-gatherers, says a new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences . Research by a team from Oxford University, the Natural History Museum, London, and the National Institute of Archaeological Sciences and Heritage (INSAP) in Morocco challenges the long-held view that dental disease was linked to the advent of farming.