Researcher collects prestigious maths prize

Dr Sabine Boegli from our Mathematical Sciences department has won a prestigious Whitehead Prize.

Sabine has been given the award from the London Mathematical Society for her work on the Schrödinger equation.

The equation is fundamental in modern Physics as it can be used to describe the time evolution of quantum mechanical systems such as molecules and atoms.

New mathematical methods

Sabine focuses on non-selfadjoint Schrödinger operators that are relevant to the study of hydrodynamics, quantum resonances and superconductivity.

Solutions to non-selfadjoint problems are highly unstable, which can often lead to unreliable numerical computations. This presents formidable challenges and requires new mathematical methods that are at the heart of Sabine’s research.

Finding the answer to long-standing questions

Sabine has been recognised for laying theoretical foundations for a novel numerical method and for answering several long-standing questions about Schrödinger operators.

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