Bicentennial Physical Legacy Works construction programme timeline: 5-14 February 2025

UCL Quad
UCL Quad
You may have seen that contractors have started work in the Quad and Wilkins Building from this week (w/c Monday 3 February 2025). Take a look at the construction schedule from 5-14 February to find out what’s happening and if you’re likely to be affected.

Construction timeline (5-14 February)

  • Wednesday 5 February : The North Cloisters will be hoarded off; however, you will still be able to enter the far North Corner to access the Housman Room and Physics and Geography departments. To access the Wilkins Terrace, you will have to use alternative routes, such as via the Refectory (accessible route) or the Bloomsbury Theatre (non-accessible route).

  • Thursday 6 February : The Main Library entrance will be closed for the duration of the works, and relocated to the South Wing, Level 1, which is accessible via the stairs or lift in the South Junction only. There will be a delayed opening time in the library of 1pm. You can find out more about the Library’s temporary entrance on the Library webpages.

  • Friday 7 and Saturday 8 February : The removal of the Pop-up Building on the Quad will take place on Friday (between 4.30pm and 3am) and Saturday (7pm-3am). This will involve large vehicles with cranes, so we expect some minor disruptions. Pedestrian access may need to be held at points to ensure the safety of the community. We strongly recommend, if you can, to use alternative entrances and exits.
  • Monday 10 February : The South Cloisters and remaining internal space, including the Octagon Gallery, will be hoarded off; however, you will still be able to enter the far South Corner to access the Garden Room, Offices, and South Junction. The bottom of the stairs from the refectory up to the Octagon Gallery will also be closed. There will be no internal access to the Jeremy Bentham Room (JBR) from this point. To access the JBR you will need to use other alternatives such as through The Refectory (accessible route) or the Bloomsbury Theatre (non-accessible route).
  • Monday 10-Friday 14 February : The Quad set-up will take place. Over the course of the week, the hoarding perimeter will widen, and pedestrian access will gradually be reduced to the outer paths only.

During this timeframe there will likely be more vehicles than usual on the Quad, even when spaces are still open. Staff will be on hand to marshal and direct people; however, please be aware that pedestrian traffic may need to be held at times to ensure everyone’s safety.

All bike racks in the Main Quad will be unavailable from Monday 10 February. Please ensure your bike is removed before this date. Alternative locations nearby can be found using our interactive map.

Support available

We’ll be adding signing around campus with wayfinding and alternative routes, but during the early stages of the works additional Campus Experience Team members will be on hand to support if required.

If you have additional requirements

1. Accessible routes into both the North and South side of the building will remain open.

2. The security lodge at the front gate will beopen throughout the works, and Campus Experience Team staff can be found in nearby areas, such as at the Student Centre. Please ask them for support if needed.

Fire Safety

  1. For users of the Slade building, Chadwick buiding, South Wing and North-West Wing: Your evacuation routes will remain the same, however you no longer have an evacuation point, instead you should disperse from the area. You may then return 30 minutes later for an update to determine whether you will be allowed to re-enter the building.
  2. For users within the Wilkins Terrace, Jeremy Bentham Room, Garden Room and local offices, please use your nearest available fire exit and vacate the building, following the green emergency exit signs.

  3. If you have a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP): Please contact your Department Safety Officer or line manager to review whether your evacuation plan has been affected by the construction work. If you need additional support, you can get in touch with the fire team on

Things to consider

  1. You may wish to amend your route to avoid the Quad and Wilkins Building, or allow for additional time when travelling.
  2. Please be respectful of others when using these spaces, as they will feel busier and more crowded.
  3. It is recommended that you check the Bicentennial Physical Legacy Works webpages before you visit campus, to ensure that nothing has changed since your last visit. You can find out information including timelines, FAQs and access routes.

The Estates Project Team would like to thank you for your patience and understanding while we work with the contractors and groups across UCL such as Fire Safety and Inclusive Environments, to ensure that safe and accessible alternate routes are being provided during the works.

We will be updating everyone with further information throughout the project. You can also looks at our FAQs on the Bicentennial Physical Legacy Works webpage , to find out more.
  • University College London, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT (0) 20 7679 2000